Thought I update on some feedback regarding the quick draw event. On my last run so far, I encountered this event maybe 10+ times, and I'm getting tired of the game giving me any random card from said event when the player has no say as to what card gets added to the deck, and I rather see a "skip" button if you don't want to deal with playing slots on this event.
Basically, you are shown 3 facedown cards and you pick one, and are forced to keep whatever you take. A reason I don't like this event when it pops up is:
1. You can't skip the event.
2. You have no say as to what the result is since the cards given to you is random, unless you get lucky getting the "gold pile" card that gives you gold instead.
3. It feels like a slot machine-type event to me that I can't understand why its in the game, considering you are forced to take every card reward offer to you, and I don't like a random event just adding random cards to your deck to just bloat it up.
Then again, I did hear the developer saying deck management be important, so what is the lucky draw even ever in the game to begin with if we are encouraged to keep deck size down and some event just gives you more junk to clog up the deck. I can't understand the reason its in the game and you can't skip it. Thought I ask what the design choice was with putting it in the game, especially with what I said above besides being an event that I feel is more of the game telling "here's a lucky draw event, and now I'll give you more junk for you deck you have to deal with."