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I like such little puzzle games alot, especially together with the turn based aspect. The only thing is i found this to be a bit easy. Through the short input sequences and limited visibility (small vertical map size) there are simply not that many possibilities where you can go wrong. I would like to see this extended on a bigger scale, with an increasing number of inputs you have to take.

Other than that, love the mechanic that the blast is the only way to move backwards, very neat.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! 

I found the difficulty relatively hard to control, partly due to the semi-random enemy movements that introduces a lot of variation in difficulty. Puzzle games are also really tricky to get right without user testing, which I did not find the time for during the jam. So I'm sure that you're right in that it will be too easy for a lot of players.

The knock-back from the blast is actually pretty critical for the game to work. There needs to be some kind of cost associated with blasting, otherwise you can just blast every other move and inch your way across the screen safely. Since the goal is to move forward, having the blast knock you back two steps makes it costly to use. 

Moving only forward is also kind of nice in that you can (mostly) ignore what happens behind the player, so the extremely limited screenspace can instead be used to show what is ahead of the player.