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A member registered Jun 09, 2019 · View creator page →

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Yea sure, i mean that’s what a jam is all about, exploring new ideas and trying things, right?

In my last project (called “ABAS”) i just stumbled upon the fact, that dodging bullets with doppler effect felt incredibly fun. But i only had one bullet firing at you at a time, so it might not work as well in a bullet hell game.

I find this is very complicated and confusing, it’s not really clear what i’m supposed to do. The first tries i failed at 12 sec, but i got a run up to 30s once. (Using easy mode) You have a bunch of instructions at the start, but i think this is just overwhelming. You explain it in such a mechanical way, that it’s hard to grasp. The narrator says, i should flash open to not run into any creatures, but stop flashing when i hear the buzzing sound, which doesn’t make any sense. If the flash prevents the creatures from running into me, why is the buzz sound indicating the opposite? Then it’s also very unforgiving. When the music box sound appears, i would think, i should stop when it’s in the middle (since it’s going from right to left) but apparently i need to stop for the whole time.

It’s also really hard to understand, what exactly killed me. Till recently i thought the ghost was the things that’s behind me, but now i think that’s the music box thing? And the lizard creatures are the ones i run into, which are the same as the buzz sound is indicating??? I need some clear feedback here, what killed me and why, else it becomes very frustrating.

I’m not a fan of the controls either. It’s very uncomfortable if you make a mouse only game, where one button needs to be permanently hold while the other is being spam clicked, that’s very straining, and can also lead to confusion what is what. You could have simply chosen the Arrow Up key for walking, and space for the flashlight, that would have been much more comfortable.

Lastly, i don’t understand why you made the catch sound so incredibly loud. The sound itself is very unpleasant already, so i don’t see the point of blasting the players ears even more. I played the game on about 10% volume and still get startled by it, which is very inappropriate and also totally unnecessary. Usually when it comes to leveling, most sounds are within a range of 3 - 6db from each other, if you rely on insane volume jumps to achieve a certain effect (like a jump scare in this case), you’re missing the mark.

I managed to beat the 3 stages, but i basically just ran through them. I tried to fight the enemies, but i couldn’t make out where exactly they are and never would hit them. My first thought about the turning via mouse was, that this is odd, but actually i think it kinda works. Just the mouse sensitivity is extremely high, i just do one flick and have a 360 degree turn, which is way too much.

The biggest problem here is, that the signal sound is way too loud and obtrusive. You used a plain square wave, which is very high energy and it’s permanently blasting at the player, without any variance or difference in volume. This is super exhausting for the ears, and it basically masks most of the other sounds in the environment, so you can’t hear the rest very well. Which is probably part of the reason why fighting the monsters felt quite impossible.

You could simply use a continuous beeping sound instead, which lets the player hear the other elements better, and is not that harsh, it really doesn’t need to be permanent, or you use a more pad like sound, that’s more pleasant to the ear.

(2 edits)

I managed to find the chest after a little while, but the way i did it felt pretty random. I basically turned left and right after each step and then shot the sonar to check if there where any openings. The landmarks are a good idea, but i found them to be pretty useless in this scenario, because of the 90 degree character rotation.

I believe 90 degree snap rotation doesn’t hold any merit, it is more confusing than anything else. The reason is simple. Whenever something is diagonal to your current position, you will hear it dominantly on one side (eg right). When i now turn 90 degrees to the right, it will suddenly snap to the left side. This behavior is super confusing, and basically destroys the chance of tracking the relationships between the objects, especially for more than one. Because of that i’m loosing orientation constantly, and the landmarks are not really helping.

You might be able to mitigate this, by creating a kind of turning “animation” that slowly rotates to the side, so i can keep track of the objects (as if i where turning my head), but the snap turning would still be kind of tedious. I think you need to decide, if you want a first-person perspective, with 360 DEG rotation, or a fixed top down perspective, where left and right never change, and where the character then just walks to right, without turning the camera essentially.

Another thing is the missing footstep sounds. It’s very strange to move and not have a feedback sound. Especially in a grid based context, this would give me much information about the length of the current corridor i’m in, i would have the ability to count steps, and estimate where i am in relation to landmarks for example.

The sonar is a good addition, but would improve 2 things:

  1. Sound Design: i would really have a different sound when the sonar comes back, so i have a clear indicator when it hit something. You could simply do it, by pitching the same sound 1 octave up for example.
  2. You could expand the sonar a bit, to make finding the branches a bit easier. I would add a sound to the left and right, if it finds an opening there. That way i could listen for where i need to go next, because constantly turning left and right which each step is not very enjoyable. I’d rather have a “listening challenge” to see where i need to go. Then i could focus on finding the path, based on the landmarks, instead of just brute forcing the solution.

Yes, the “you are moving” feedback is quite crucial, at the very last for game feel. I want to know, that if i press something, that something is happening. If you omit it, you’re basically saying: “I know you can’t see or hear anything happening, but trust me, you are moving!” Which is very strange. It also just feels strange, because in the real world, everything makes a sound, so having something happen, without making a sound, is very wired.

Apart from that, it is also important to let me evaluate walking distance. I can now build a map, depending if i hear one, two, or three footstep impacts, on how far i have walked. Even thou this might not be exact, it still gives me some feedback for evaluation.

You said, that in order to dodge bullets you just need to make a step to the side. I always tried this but it never seemed to be working. The reason might be, that i’m walking too much. If i have footsteps sounds, i could now determine: If i hear one footstep, then i have walked enough, if i hear two footsteps, then i’m already in path of the next bullet.

As for directional bullet sounds, i don’t think this would lead necessary to problems, if you have a proper volume by distance curve. You ofc also might need to scale down the amount of bullets you have for the purpose of a audio game. If you would have 16 bullets in visual bullet hell, maybe here you do only 4 or 6, and i think this would be fine. But one would have to try, to know for sure ^^

I like the idea with the 9 quadrants, so you can get a better feel of the arena, that sounds interesting. Maybe 9 is a bit much thou, 4 might be sufficient. With those you could have a bit more fine-grained info where the boss is in relation to yourself.

I’ve managed to finishe the score based round with little problems, after adjust the sounds in the sound library quite a bit, but in survival mode i can not get past boss 2. It’s incredible hard to know where the bullets are coming from, and how i have to dodge them. This is made even harder because my character doesn’t have any footstep sounds, so i’m missing crucial player feedback here. It’s very irritating to be moving without making a sound.

As i see it, i have 4 directional movement (without turning) but there is no indication of what’s behind of me? So it always feels a bit of stumbling around in the map, trying to follow the enemies footsteps (which were way to silent) to get to shoot them.

Generally the sounds don’t feel very clear. The bullet alarm, hit sounds for yourself and the enemy all have soo much sustain, that they keep masking each other and it’s hard to know what is what. The hit sounds for yourself and the enemy also sound quite similar (in style) so it’s not clear if i hit him, or he hit me. I think these could all be much shorter sounds, which would improve the clarity a lot.

As for the bullets, i don’t find the alarm to be particularly helpfull, it more clutters the sound space. I’m not even sure if it is directional? I never knew how to dodge these ones, i always tried to move to the side, but it didn’t seem to be working. I find the positioning of the bullets to be way to ambiguous, especially for a “bullet hell” game. I would really encourage the usage of the doppler effect with 3d audio here, since it is one of the most readable effects for distance assesment, especially for fast moving objects like bullets. This would give me the opportunity to hear it coming and dodge it appropriately, what the core of the bullet hell is, right?

You have a very satisfying victory sound, but a loose/death sound is missing, the game just kind of stops and enter returns you to the menu, which is a bit akward.

I like the concept, i think with a few improvements this really could work well, but in the current state, it’s very hard to make out where you are in relation to the enemy. The first rounds i thought my ship was not making any sounds and i did finish with a score of 0, but as i realized it’s the same i could manage to get at last 30, but it felt more like rng / luck hits.

Apart from the fact, that the movement sounds have very low volume, but they are one of the most important sounds in order to know where i am and where i need to move, the player and enemies have the same sounds. So as soon as i hit a button, i have no idea anymore, what is a enemy movement and what is my own. I think you could solve this in two ways, either have different (pitched) sounds for player and enemy, or just pan player left and enemies right. That way i can distinguish where I am in relation to where the enemy is (or maybe even both)

Also, i believe every enemy did only make the sound once he spawned or moved. That makes it also hard to track them, since i would need to remember the exact tone height for every spawning enemy which get’s overwhelming really fast. I think it’s usually a good idea to have a continuous beep sound, for every enemy on the screen, so i can find them again later.

I also missed completely if i was hit or not, i’m not sure the enemy hit sound and player hit sounds are distinct? It felt like at some point it was just game over, but i didn’t even know if I was hit or not. It would be good if the “enemy destroyed” sound and the player hit sound are very different, so i can know what is what.

Lastly the bullets, i’m not ever sure there is a sound for enemy bullets, maybe just a shoot sound, but i have no ideas where these bullets are in relation to my ship. I think you could easily give the bullets also a pitched sound, that matches the enemy position, and then (if you use the pan left and right approach) let them start right and pan them to the left as the bullet flies, so i have the possibility of dodging them.

I think conceptually this works, you just need to clean up the sounds and then this could be a classic acrcade like audio only shmup. (And please add a cool arcade like game over sound as well :P)

I’m very happy to HEAR that.

Yea, the beeping sounds are the beacon the AI tells you about in the beginning. I will have to add some explaination to all the sounds in an update, because this was not clear to many players :O

I looked at it mostly for the controls, which was already plenty to remember. In general when i jump into a game, the last thing i want to do is having to read pages of text in order to understand how it works, that not very enjoyable. The problem here is not really, that the information is nowhere to be found, but rather that it’s too much information at once. I mean you have descriptions for all the items as well, but in the first round this is just too much to take in. I’m trying to get to the gist, of what i need to do in general, bevore i dive into specifics.

This is a super cool game, i love turn based combat games and i think the build your own mech theme, is one of the most fun things about mechs.

The biggest problem is, that for a game with this complexity you need to have a tutorial. You need to ease the player into all the things that are possible, because it’s way to overwhelming otherwise. At the start i get presented with every single piece that i can choose, and at that point i’m completely lost what to do. Then i’m getting even more confused because certain parts don’t even fit my mech. So i ended up loosing the first 4 rounds just because i had no idea how to build, or even how combat works.

And combat is just another thing where the complexity gets a hold of you. Once you get it, it’s very simple, but until that point i have no clue what’s happening, what all the icons mean, etc etc.

And then i can even modify the shape of my mech, which is very cool, but i also didn’t get in the beginning at all. And the big problem is, to do this effectively, i need to know what parts exist and how they would fit on it. There needs to be a better way of teaching the player how each of these systems work.

So i only fully got it, before the last fight, which was fun, and then the game was already over, so that’s kind of sad, when you miss out of most of the fun.

The combat can also feel quite a bit tidious. For one, there is the overview dialogue, which i didn’t have any use for, which just is completely in the way and a annoying dialogue to click away. I feel like this could have been easily just put in the background window, without forcing me to see it. Especially, because when i scan something and discover something, then i want to look what it is via mouse hover, but the dialogue prevents this, which is obstructing gameplay quite a bit.

Then there are the options, where you need to constantly click and move the mouse, which is also quite annoying. I wish there was just a key i could press for each category, so lets say 1 for shoot, 2 for scan, 3 for shield, enter for confirm, so that i don’t need to do so much tidious mouse actions.

Then there is the shield, which can only be enabled fully or not at all, where each other action is a 1 energy consuming thing in comparison, i dunno why this was done for it as well?

So i absolutely love this concept, there is so much depths in it, but there is alot of friction in the core gameplay loop (fighting) that make it way less enjoyable.

That’s not easily possible, since the game depends on windows apis, especially for the use of 3d audio. That would mean a full rewrite of the game, and will therefore not happen. Sorry.

From start to end a top entry. Love the background loop with the effects on it, very misterious and fits the moon setting very well. I was also very satisfied as i finally figured out how to do the jump for the final key card, very fun mechanic.

Also great that you provided multiple control schemes, with the pico scheme usually annoys me that jump and shoot are next to each other, so the way to go is ArrowKeys + Space + Ctrl actually (instead of WASD) then it makes alot of sense!

This is a perfectly balanced game, with no exploits what so ever. Love the fact that you can shoot through walls and buildings if your cursor is not obstructed. :D

I really like how this looks, the arte style is very pretty, especially for the character. The skating mechanic is well implemented and all the animations match the different actions so well. (One time i even had a 360 turn on a direction switch, that looked awesome). It’s also really well done, that you can just go around a turret and not get hit while shooting it, which complements the skating mechanic and feeling very well. In contrast to that there are the jump and boost mechanics, which i haven’t really found a use for. I think that the map design is a little bit to small to really take advantage o that, it has alot of tight corners and not much room to accellerate.

The main issue i have is the double mouse hold for shooting, that’s a bit uncomfortable and i think also unecessary? Why not let the character change his position to the shooting one automatically when you hit shoot?

But all in all it was a nice experience with this little scooter shooter.

Run racing is such a funny concept, but i think currently it feels alot of still manouvering a vehicle rather than running. It almost feels like i’m running on ice all the time, i would imagine having more grip. Maybe it would be cool, to turn this a bit more into an obstacle race than a track race? I imagine having smaller things to jump over, or things to slide below under. (But maybe that’s just me)

I also used the controller to play this, and the controls are very unfavourable. You have acceleration an A and jump on x, but in order to get over the gaps, i need to keep both pressed, which is usually not how you use a controller :P. It lead to me failing to jump the gap, becaues i was switching from A to X and so lost all my acceleration (because i assumed it was based on momentum). You should probably just make it LT than i don’t have to use my thumb that akwardly :)

I love the music in the tutorial, it sounds straight out of Sonic. The defeat message is also very appropriate :D

Thanks. It would interest me, if you were able to beat it? How difficult it was, would you say?

The way i would usually get a exact direction, is by centering the sound you want to focus on. And other effects, like a source beeing behind has different effects on it. I think the biggest issue is probably, that if you don’t know how it’s supposed to sound, you’re not aware of what to focus on yet. But you are very right in the fact, that sound localization is quite ambiguous by nature. Especially distance is incredibly hard to get, because sound (volume) doesn’t scale linearly with distance. Also i don’t think i got that quite right yet, it’s quite a challenge.

I’ve been thinking, maybe i should record a playthrough of myself going through this, maybe it’ll make more sense for people then.

Yes, from other comments and the stream i realized, that i probably need to have a better tutorial for the sonar mechanic. Typical mistake, where it’s so clear to me what everything means, because i made it, that i don’t think that it might not be for others. 😅

Such a cool concept, to be able to construct/upgrade your mechs based on the parts you find. This gives the player so much control over how to distribute his strength over the army. I also love the style, i think it looks gorgeous and fits well together with the audio as well. The mech voices have a nice effect to them, that really seems like they are talking to you over radio, and all the different voicelines by mech type and encounter is amazing.

I also love the fact, that mechs are damage by individual parts and can loose individual parts as well. The general physics of this is amazing, having destroyable trees and bushes as well. And then the small things, that sometimes enemy parts just fly far away as if they where hit by an explosion.

All of this beeing said, i think the combat needs some work. The encounters feel completely random, the mechs are just running in circles around each other shooting seemingly random around the place and barely hitting anything. So every fight is dragged out incredibly long while i feel like watching a chicken fight :P. The enemy has a health bar, which doesn’t seem to represent his dmg state at all. Sometimes they have full hp, and suddenly collapse, other times they survive forever without getting hit. Even in the first encounter, fighting 2v1 in one of my 4 tries i lost one of my units with it. This is very confusing, i have no idea what is going on at that point. In a RTS i generally want the fights to be deterministic, i want to be able to know, that two 1 star units will always beat a single non star unit without dying. Because it feels like, you have already an ambiguous setup, with the individual mech customization, and then you add on top of it alot of bullet rng (that what it feels like).

Then i had 2 minor issues, the first one beeing, after a while you collect so much body parts, that it becomes really crowded and it gets hard to find stuff. I think it would probably be helpful if you could just convert some parts into scrap to keep it shorter (which i beieve is currently not possible?), and/or also, be able to use these parts to build new mechs, without needing new parts. Currently i have to always pay the full price for building a mech, even if i put in the parts from scrap, why would this be the case? I would expect these parts that i have then reducing the price for construction, why else can i create new parts for no cost? That’s a bit inconsistent.

I had also the issue, that my 3 star heavy mech lost his arm, and then just wast standing around, despite him having weapons on both arms, as well as his chassis, which was very unintuitive as well. If you have a by body part dmg counting and separation, then this should be taken into account in this situation as well, and i would expect my mech still to function.

Also sound leveling needs a bit of work, especially when the music comes it it’s quite a bit too loud.

I think when the combats get’s cleaned up this will be an absolute banger of an RTS.

Cool little fighting game, looks very nice and the AI is very well implemented. While the first stage enemies where always quite easy to beat, i struggled quite a bit on the last stage. Except when playing Jackal, this character seems a bit too strong, there i beat stage 3 without even a scratch, while i almost went nuts while fighting her with Dragon in stage 3.

And btw, the start and end screen are a very nice touch with the single sound effect, fits greatly.

I only have a little bit of an issue with the controls, since they don’t feel very tight. One reason for that is, that the attack input, is always registered before the direction input. When i try to press Left + Attack or Right + Attack as well as Up + Attack on the same time, it often just registers the attack and executes it. Which leads to the problem, that i often attack in the wrong direction or are not able to use my special in the right moment. Which i then need to compensate for by always pressing one button before the other, which is quite annoying.

Pretty unique idea and has a super nice retro look to it. The visuals and sounds fit well together and really sell the fact that you’re in a heavy machine. Despite everything beeing controlled with a mouse push or drag, it controls surpisingly well.

I was just thinking to myself “That dude doesn’t really let us scale a tower in a mech suit?” What a crazy idea. That beeing said, it’s still quite hard to control the mech on those tiny ledges. I wish i could use my second hand here, to make it a little bit more managable.

I fell about 3 times on the same position, ond the 2nd of the 2nd wood ledges and then got frusttrated. I think the controls, while fun, are a little bit too tidious to play for long. I also think, in a game like that where i climb and can fall, i shouldn’t die from fall damage and have to start all over again. If it is done in a way, where i can fall 1 floor down and only have to repeat that section, it becomes way less exhausting to try that section again.

Certainly the latter, my aim is terrible :D

Very cool concept, it took me abit to understand how the jetpack works, and it always makes me flinch when i’m kind of have to fall into the void to advance, but once you get the hang of it, it’s quite cool.

That beeing said it’s way to hard for me, i’m not a platform nerd, so this was definetly over the top. I quite after about 200 deaths (in level 4 i think).

I think some things are nedlessly hard, like the level before, with the free flying blades and fuel tanks, which was very interesting, but the goal still had spikes around, which is quite mean i think :P.

In a platformer like this i would also like to have additional control options. I prefer using the arrow keys and jump/boost on spacebar, which would make it a bit more comfortable to play. You could just add double bindings here, since you don’t need the other keys anyways.

Yes, I just find it quite incredible how clean everything sounds, i don’t think i experienced that level of auditory clarity anywhere else.

Very cool experience. Love how the mech moves and is animated, it really feels like you’re a heavy machine. Also so the drop down entrance in the first level was really slick. Only the jump doesn’t fit right quite into that, becaues this just feels like you’re floating up a bit (i also dunno what i would need it for)

The area is cool and the music really gives this epic, heavay mech battle feeling, very well done. I also liked the switching between heat, speed and amor, was quite a interesting mechanic and fun to use.

I have 2 issues with this, first is the bullets are barely visible, especially in the dark levels, so i don’t know what i’m hitting if anything. I would like to see in what direction i’m shooting, maybe you could add some highly visible bullet trails or something? Because the mech is already half in the way, so it makes it quite hard to see if you hit or not.

Then there is the camera, whenever you are close to a wall it glitches out, so you don’t see anything anymore. Especially in the last battle this happened alot which was quite annoying. It also felt a bit unfair that the big one would clip his one gun through the rock so i couldn’t hide behind it anymore, and then dodging was impossible.

Ah yes, that’s much better!

What i don’t understand now is, why a iphone can one hit the enemy? :D

The text box background not appearing happens every single time. Might be due to the fact that i’m on a wide screen, so the text is partially out of view anyways. The first line of the text is visible thou, so dunno quite why just the background would be gone.

I didn’t find a solid way to reproduce the issue with the borders thou, it only happened one more time. Might be an fps drops issue? (Dependns on how large those border hitboxes are).

I think the issue with reload is also, that it just takes a very long time. It’s like 3-4s? And this everything is moving so fast this feels like an eternity. And i mean viusally you have the bullet count at the bottom, but that’s not so great to look at within combat. Also, i realized another thing. The visual bullet count refreshes before the reload is finished. So there is an additional delay, so even when i look at it is a tiny bit out of sync, which makes it feel even worse. Because i’m always trying to shoot but it’s not quite ready yet. Synchronizing those 2 and making it a bit shorter will probably already be a big improvement on how it feels.

Awww man, that literally changes everything :D Having to aum the turrets is quite unintuitive, but now i did get to wave 12 until i died.

Although now you run into the problem, that each round takes forever to finish :P After wave 7/8 you spend most of your time waiting. You could ofc make the tower options more complex so i can think about that, basically i need something else to do in the meantime. Through the limited slots i only have a few possibilites of what is doable, also since the upgrade options are completely uniform. If these are a little bit more nuanced and complex, this wouldn’t be as much of a problem, because then i can strategize what to do next.

Bet yea, this way the game is actually fun! :)

The game looks and sound very nice, but the balancing and turrerts are very frustrating. The variety of enemy types is nice and the sky laser seems really cool at first, until you realize that because of it your turrets are bascially worthless.

The turrerst completely random fire, even still when you got them a few accuracy upgrades, they don’t just miss, they just fire in the complete opposite direction. So having turrents almost doesn’t do anything, because most of the work is still done from the sky laser, which you need to aim in a specific point in order to be effective. (I would estimate that a turret is 1/10th or less of the effectiveness of the sky laser)

Then we have the random dropping of resources, which leads to not beeing able to build anything the first three rounds. You basically just need to aim the laser at the entry corner, which btw seems like an exploit because it looks like it pushes the units back somehow. So for 3 rounds i’m just stuck on that.

And then there is the hp, which is about 5 shots? Which means if 2 units get through you basically die instantly and have to restart.

So it feels like, no choice you make even matters, apart from where you aim the sky laser, and then you lose wave 8 no matter what. That’s not very fun :(

Interesting concept, the style is neat, but i feel like the movement speed is a bit fast, especialy for a mech moving. (Maybe it’s just the missing animation, that it feels like im slithering around on ice). That also makes the enemies get to you very quickly, so it feels a bit like you are just randomly moving around shooting, becaues it’s way to fast paced to think about it strategically. The first time i also fell of the map on the borders and get stuck there and needed to restart.

A major annoyance was the reload sound. It’s mostly 2 sounds, who sound very similar, and whenever i hear the first one i thought i had already finished reloading, but in fact i did just start. I think the reload finished sound needs to be alot more prominent and distinct from the starting sound, because it is my “go” signal to shoot. In contrast to that, the little suicied bots where very well done, they where good to hear so you could react to them.

Another issue was the turrets on the side, their hitboxs where very akward. As i finished the waves in Stage 2 i was confused why it didn’t, because i tried to shot at them but nothing happend. As i later figured out i just have to stand at a certain position that they get hit. But the hit indicator for them shoud be way stronger, especially because they are very dark and hard to see, so i need some feedback from where i can actually hit them.

Also the text background was not there for some reason, so i had black text on black background, so couldn’t read anything.

Just give me a gun, a laser sword and a jetpack and let me fight against hordes of enemies, is a guaranteed recipe for fun. That the mechs shoot a barage of targeted missiles at you makes it even more exciting, even thou it can get quite messy. Also quite a big map but it still runs very well, good job!

The character controls pretty well and flying with the boosterpack also works nicely. What i don’t like is, that i need to hold the shield key pressed, which is really hard while manouvering, and also disallows me to hit the boost at the same time. It also seems unecessary, since the shield drains mana on hit, why not just let me turn it on and off? Similar thing with the gun aim, it’s very uncomfortable to have to hold both mouse buttons at the same time, why not just make it a weapon switch instead, since you can’t use both at the same time anyway?

The sword also doesn’t feel so well, since it is incredibly hard to hit an enemy, and there is no impact sound or anything. Maybe the range it has can be a increased a bit, to make it feel better. I would want to avoid, that i run past an enemy just because i didn’t stand right in front of him, so it would feel like i’m charging through the horde and hitting everything to my left side, instead of just immediately in front of me.

The viuals look very nice, the bright neo colors for the shots and swords look very cool, and the music underlines the whole atmosphere very well.

(1 edit)

Throwing francises at a robot, what a goofy concept, love it. Nice touch with the Ahri Faker skin image. I also hope all those francises are paying you well for all this in game advertisment xD.

Unfortunately it doesn’t control very well, the mouse sensitivity is soo extremely high. I ended up doing a 180 every time, just to get to roughly the right position. I also wish it was easier to pick up objects, i always have to almost stand on top of it that it get’s recognized. For things like the DeLorian you don’t see anything because its so big but you have to grab it when you are so close.

I think the biggest problem with throwing is, that i don’t even see where i’m throwing at. I think it would be a good idea to stop the rotation as soon as you let go, else i can’t really see how i even aimed and if i hit something.

Also this little sandbox really burned up my GPU, so i couldn’t play for long. You should add the line in the description: “You may need to upgrade your pc for this one” :D

Haha, that was actually the plan. I wanted to let certain voicelines only play after you hit rocks or walls a certain amount of times, but didn’t get to that yet.

Well yes, the counting of footsteps was another game idea, this wouldn’t work here, because the footsteps sounds are not consistent with distance. A major challenge i found is, that evaluating distances with audio only is incredibly hard, just due to the nature of how sound is scaling, because it is not linear. The volume ramps up when something is really close and then fades slowly. So i don’t think a mental map based on specific unit works. But what i do think is, that you still need the ability to give relative information to a player. Like, there is a big rock to the right of the enemy etc. which is also a way to build a mental map, just relative.

And it is in fact possible to know how much you turn, or how much you strafe etc. If you’re in front of an obstacle the ping will be dead center. Once you walk sideways it will gradually move to the right or left side. That way you can gauge how far you have walked, relative to that obstacle. And now you can try to walk forward an see if you are already past the obstacle (because the size of the thing is another challenge to communicate) and will get an directional bump sound if you hit it. And that sound then tells you how much more you need to walk to the side. If the bump is still in front, it means you need to walk way more sideways, if its to the sides, it means you’re almost past it. Thats btw a good reason for the obstacles beeing circular, because this allows for this gradual directional response.

And the degree of turning btw works the same. You can center yourself towards an obstacle ping. And now you can turn gradually, untily the ping appears completely to one side. Now you know, that you turned 90 degrees, relative to that obstacle.

Btw, that idea with an additional kind of proximity sensor also crossed my mind, but dunno if that gets to crowded too fast. Plus, the enemy actually has a hum, that you can better locate him when close.

Ah i see. Yes flying through a city and above buildings while meanwhile batteling each other sounds like a dope idea! And would also make the fights much more interesting.

Hmmm, yes ofc i tried running, but would always die instantly the next screen? Not 100% why.

Absolutely stunning visuals together with sounds and music. So you actually implemented day and night cycle? :D Sounds are super well done, i love the dash sound effect, it’s super satisfying to hear. And then there is the music, oh boy. That synth line in the level after the tutorial, superb!

Movement is very well implemented, everything feels good to move. I love the fact that you implemented air cancel for the dash, so i can jump or fall and then dash, very satisfying! Just the cooldown for it feels a bit needlessly large, i wanna use it more often :P

Also the menu start and death animation are super cute (turning from and into the little frog) and the credit screen is great as well.

The only things that’s probably missing is a bit of challenge, because as of right now it was very simple, i barely even lost one health point. And i’m someone who usually sucks at platformers :O

Yea, doesn’t matter. It’s already very helpful to see sb play it on stream and see how they react to things.

Yea, i didn’t get to implementing a sonar response for the outter walls yet. In general i found walls to be a bit more tricky. But glad you still were able to beat it!

I like such little puzzle games alot, especially together with the turn based aspect. The only thing is i found this to be a bit easy. Through the short input sequences and limited visibility (small vertical map size) there are simply not that many possibilities where you can go wrong. I would like to see this extended on a bigger scale, with an increasing number of inputs you have to take.

Other than that, love the mechanic that the blast is the only way to move backwards, very neat.