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I don't know if this has been abandoned, but I really love this game. The characters and storytelling are amazing and everything feels so real. The art is absolutely beautiful. Can't wait for the full release!


Hello! Thank you for your comment and for your continued interest. This game is still in development! It's a bit slow, as I am a solo dev, but this is an important project to me and I will definitely see it to completion.


Hi! Thanks so much for replying! I'm glad that it's still in development. I'm excited for the day the full version comes out! Thank you for your hard work on this. :)

(1 edit) (+2)

I was sponsoring you online monthly but since it didn't seem like you were working on the game due to no updates for months, I canceled my sponsorship... I really want to see this game come to life and would be happy to sponsor you again if you are working on it, or I would be willing to help (for free, of course) if you need any help. (I'm a senior software engineer for an international observatory, so I could definitely help with any coding.)

This demo is just too good to not be made into a full game.


Hello! Thank you so much for reaching out to me and for your support of this game. To be perfectly honest, this game is still largely in writing stages, which tend to make for boring updates. I am still working on it but I would say, feel free to hold off on any sponsorship until updates swing into a more visual direction (art and such). Once I'm past the writing stage, progress in general should go a lot faster ^^ While I don't currently need any coding done, I'm very grateful for your offer of assistance and will keep it in mind for the future. Thank you so much for all the support you have already given me. I'm very happy that you are still looking forward to this game. If you have any more questions or comments, feel free to contact me any time at skyharborr[at]gmail[dot]com.

Thanks again!


Thanks for the update, skyharborr! Take care and happy writing!


Do you know when the full version might come out?


Hello! Thank you for  your interest. I don't currently have an ETA for the full release (world events severely threw off my dev schedule unfortunately) but an updated demo is currently in the works :)


Ah, thank you for replying. I am so excited for the next demo, I really hope you can stick with this project. :) Stay motivated!