1.) Submergency - 4.8
Oh wow, I was not prepared for the dramatic shift the song had! Sounds a bit ominous but hopeful at the same time, just overall really great.
2.) Sea Frog - 4.5
Great song! I love how groovy it is. A pretty big change from the first song which was dramatic to say the least. I don't think I've mentioned yet but I like the bubble sfx you put in the tracks.
3.) Abyss Eyes - 4.0
Again, we're back to the ominous tracks. It really does give off a heavy sense of confusion and dread. Like you're trapped deep under sea. Definitely lives up to its name!
4.) Final Breath - 5.0
Holy, this track is amazing! Everything from the dramatic intro to the shift into a calmer melody and then the instant rise to such an impactful and hopeful beat. It's just great! I'm a sucker for songs that have that kind of shift into a calm melody (as evident with some of my songs) so I really love this track. It definitely gives off the feeling of a last stand!
Overall, just really good dramatic and ominous tracks (as well as the groovy Sea Frog!). You did a great job!