I love to see others so passionate about what they create, and reading what you've written is inspirational to me and makes me want to try to incorporate more of the elements you've written about into my own music going forward. The album has a great tone, and reading both the commentary and story through the itch page itself was great. I enjoy the setting being a lake rather than an ocean, which it seems most people ended up going with (including the project I worked on). The acoustic guitar, whistling, etc. gives it the really nice feeling of a camping trip. GIANT ROBOTIC EEL WITH LASER EYES was one of the most intriguing things to read about and when I eventually heard it, it did not disappoint. Finally, I want to compliment the album art, as well as the art of the titular GIANT ROBOTIC EEL WITH LASER EYES seen on the side of the itch page. I can definitely envision a short RPG Maker game akin to Ib when listening to the game's soundtrack.
Overall, just a great submission.