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I love how dynamic these tracks are. Listening through each track, it always felt like there was something new to keep me interested. Some instrumentation felt a bit stiff, which in this genre, might benefit from being loosened up a bit. Overall, I believe these tracks have been composed wonderfully!

I tried to add some new instrument or do something different for each track so they would each be distinct. I don't quite know what you mean by stiff instrumentation. Could you explain a bit so I can learn? 


The feeling of “stiffness” is typically caused by notes being aligned to the grid, triggering perfectly on the beat, every time. Humanizing, or moving the notes slightly off the grid in various ways, makes the instrumentation feel more organic, as if a human is playing the instrument. It’s a massive balancing game, especially with stringed/wind instruments. I struggle with it to this day!


that’s fair. Some of the instruments I used like the tubas had really awkward starts to each notes so I did actually have to move them back like a sixteenth note for them to start the way I wanted them to. It’s especially hard with the Oboe  I used because of the way that specific VST handled some notes as opposed to others.