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Hi, I suck at reviews but please bear with me.

This game is incredible, the story is captivating, the love interests are all appealing (quantity and quality !?), the jokes actually made me laugh, the songs fit well, the hints and the colored names are a nice addition, being able to name your saves is so convenient, the renders and the animations look really good, the phone is a neat idea I must have spent a good 20min reading jokes and learning the characters birthdays (why does the ex-husband know about the other kids birthdays tho put his ass on a list)

If I had to nitpick I would say the calendar showing the day of the device is a little annoying because I'm dumb and get lost if if I don't get an actual date. I only know we're in february because it's Simon's bd (missed valentine's day :[ ). 

Also if you could please put more spaces between the numbers and the arrows in the save/load menu I keep pressing the wrong ones with my fat fingers.

Thank you for taking the time to make this amazing game, I look forward to the next updates.


Hey there, thank you very much! Loved to read through it, so don't worry at all.

I really have a "lot" LIs, so I differentiate them between main and side, which will make my live a lot easier, but some people might not like it, but it is what it is for now. The ex-husband doesn't really know about the dates, MC was just quick enough to input his credentials so his cloud service synced the calendar, but kept everything that was still on the phone, like old chats ;-)

The day on the calendar is actually the day where you started playing the game. So if you started yesterday, it would be stuck at 21. I thought it was a neat feature, even though it wasn't intended at all, but the framework I use needed to be heavily adjusted to support most of my apps and functionality, so I might have to take a look into that, but time's always the killer argument here.

I can't show the in-game dates in the phone, so that's always the current date you see in the calendar, not the in-game ones (sorry if this might be a bit confusing but I tried to be somewhat innovative)

I'll check what you're referring to with the space between the saves once I'm done with my day job! :)