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(2 edits)

I'm not trying to start comment section beef. But I just wanted to ask what Strats you're using, because I'm on day 58 & lvl 58 with 50% story finished. The Nel auto battle/mine system is so fast & takes the grind completely out of the game. I feel more like Kirito in SAO just OP asF more than anything. I the first ten days you meet Nel & progress that relationship to where you can use her to collect as much xp & coin as you want. You might be grinding really hard not realizing you can utilize that feature/storyline.

Also sharing just because I love the way the game works now & just wanted to share my vote for it stay this way to play & enjoy rather than it get some sort of overhaul & become something else.

The grind isn't really my problem, like I've stated, this game lacks meta features. I agree with you this game doesn't need some overhaul as when you progress through the game it does get easier, it's only hellish in the beginning.

By meta features, what I mean is better "skipping" my hands gets strained just so I could make some progress faster because some events are just automatic, but unnecessarily slow, and make the "back" button, reverts my decision, the UI is so small that I sometimes misclick and I have to endure an unskippable cutscene, also make the people save in-between the battles!