The game had an intro section, but nothing playable. I let it play for a few minutes and tried clicking on things, but nothing happened. It just had the goo goo ga ga text. If there was something I was supposed to do it was entirely missed.
Gameplay 1* (lowest as there was none)
Graphics 2. I like that you put effort into the graphics, thats an automatic +1 for not using assets.
Innovatrion. 3 stars --> looked like there might be something interesting, and it didn't look like a game I played before. But since it didn't work, I couldn't give hire. innovation needs execution.
Theme. 2 Stars. Had some semblance to flow in what it seemed it was trying to do, but not executed.
Polish. 1* I'm guessing the plan didn't work out well or didn't get the final build up.
Good luck next time.