Mole at the field has a free time
A thematical drawing for today. Based on good and kind animals. A mole and a country house. Field and summer. Mole is laying in a field and having a free time. It is a good weather. There are lots of grass and flowers. There are singing grasshoppers here and there. And mole is looking at the clouds. And he is making his fantasies about clouds. About their form. What is similar to this cloud. And what thing another cloud reminds by its form.
Mole has a good thing at his country house. He, already, finished his things. He makes a cleaning in his country house. He put in a flowerbeds new flowers. He paints his fence. And wash flowers. And run to the field to have a good time. He lay on the grass. And just relax. It is so good to be in a country house at summer! So just like this - to go to the field and have a walk. Grass is already high. Later, maybe, mole go to a river. To his friend - frog.
Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.