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Electric Sheep: I'm immediately struck by these aggressive arpeggios! It creates a great impression, catching the listener off-guard immediately. The slow, gradual morphing of the low bass into the aggressive beat certainly kept me on my toes. This is how you do a long drone/repetition in an effective way! You've done brilliant work building a harsh, robotic sound. And, even though this track is already full of surprises, you continue to catch me off guard well through the middle of the track with the arpeggios. I did have to move on after about 5 minutes of this track.

Andriod Insomniac: this track really is nightmarish-- nontonal, and unrelenting and unpredictable in its changes. Really distorted and freaky (that's a compliment), but at the same time, if this comes on in the club, we're moshing.

Virotechnics: the idea of a virus causing a computer to grow mentally ill is very brilliant. I haven't touched much on the brilliance of your theme yet, but this piece and the implied battle really brings it to light in a good way. This is how you create a unique idea and embed it into the core of your soundtrack. This track is also just brilliant, and I'm not sure how I would've wrangled my DAW to produce some of this stuff. I'll stick to my pretty woodwinds and strings, I think XD

Nonpracticing Empath: again, very impressive work here. Could I mosh to this? Maybe but it would be a very uncoordinated dance. I would try regardless. This feels like the least interruptive track yet: it's still all over the place, but the more consistent beat makes it seem like we, the player, have perhaps learned our way around and are ready to face this final boss with confidence. It's subtle, but doing this in final-final boss music is definitely has a psychological effect. Love how the piece fragments into nothing towards the end. Seriously brilliant.

In all, this is far from my preferred genre, but real has to recognize real. You've made something compelling, creative, smart, well thought-out, and sonically stunning. Amazing work, and keep writing!

Wow this is so detailed and thoughtful, I really appreciate the time you took to go through each piece 🥲 like I’ve mentioned a few times in other replies, I love blending dance beats with more experimental synths and chiptune sounds. Anyway, your kind words are really encouraging, and I’m really happy about the context the track descriptions were able to offer you. This was just such a lovely comment to read all around 💖 (and don’t sell yourself short! you had a bunch of really well made tracks yourself, definitely hope your proud of those!! You’ve certainly got a way better handle on the orchestral side of things than I ever have!)