This game surprised me with how immersive if felt despite the lack of visuals (or perhaps because of the lack of visuals?). There is clearly a lot of potential in this type of experience.
To actually play the game properly I think I'd need more help. I could hear the sounds, which were all great, but their meaning was unclear to me. I didn't know which sounds were indicative of the beacon, rocks, etc, which made it hard to make meaningful progress.
Another small issue is that I could not access the manual through the ' ? '-key. On non-american keyboards that character may be merged with others, requiring the SHIFT-key to access, which in this case just caused the game to mock me for shooting at rocks instead :) . It seems like you allow remapping, but consider changing it to some other key by default, such as 'H', which would be available to everyone regardless of keyboard layout.
Nice work, this game might be the most unique experience I've had so far in this years jam!