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- There will be fucking SPOILERS and a little bit of opinion about the game.

- This pathetic empty-headed chewing toy for hounds, I swear to God, I wanted to personally strangle him a thousand and one times, not only does he contradict himself in search of his own, but after learning the truth about who he is and what happened to him, he is like «fuck people, I'll go fuck dogs» the most pathetic crybaby narcissus who starts to get hysterical only raise your noice at him Loken is really a degenerate once he fell in love with him because if I were on his mesa, I'd wring his neck!

- Glitch is the best character of all! He was TOO good for this whole world of fucking idiots, so he didn't really resist at the time of his death. Respect to Glitch! 

- Rest in peace, buddy..

(1 edit)

- Oh, oh, oh, how did my words upset everyone, does it really hurt your eyes?

- Well, listen, I have nothing against minor characters, it's the main character THAT pisses me off!

- The plot, the picture, the sounds, the visual, everything is wonderful!

- But tell me, dear author, was it necessary to make the main character such a piece of shit?!

With all due respect, I don't see the problem with the MC. (I haven't reread this VN a while so my information may be lacking.) Sure, the beginning of the story introducing the MC was a rocky start. I don't like the MC at first but as I read through the story, I see some character development. (Villain arc.) If I may ask, what problems are you having on the MC? Your comment didn't really explain it for me that well. (Or I'm just dumb.)