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(1 edit)

- Oh, oh, oh, how did my words upset everyone, does it really hurt your eyes?

- Well, listen, I have nothing against minor characters, it's the main character THAT pisses me off!

- The plot, the picture, the sounds, the visual, everything is wonderful!

- But tell me, dear author, was it necessary to make the main character such a piece of shit?!

With all due respect, I don't see the problem with the MC. (I haven't reread this VN a while so my information may be lacking.) Sure, the beginning of the story introducing the MC was a rocky start. I don't like the MC at first but as I read through the story, I see some character development. (Villain arc.) If I may ask, what problems are you having on the MC? Your comment didn't really explain it for me that well. (Or I'm just dumb.)