Loving the gameplay! I can see a lot of potential here. I mean, it plays beautifully already, I can only imagine it getting better.
A few observations:
• A tutorial would be really useful. It took me quite a bit to realize how many moves I could actually perform (in fact, I just went in to try something and somehow I grabbed an enemy and piledrived (piledrove?) him, it was amazing!).
• Probably related: I beat the boss of the first area with some kind of insane hadouken thing, but I can't for the life of me figure out how I pulled that (I'm seeing it in one of your screenshots, in fact).
• Can you consider putting the roll and the block in different buttons? It's kind of messy having them both in the same one, I rolled away into danger by accident (I was just trying to block) quite a few times.
• Finally, how do I clear these two gaps (see pics)? I would assume the first one requires some sort of dash and the second a double jump, but I didn't find anything such upgrades.