The parry update was already a treat, and this one so soon after feels like Christmas! Is 0.5.0 gonna be uploaded to Steam as well?
Slug Camargo
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I've been playing videogames since 1985 and this might just be the most beautiful thing I've ever played. Seriously, there were a few instances when I smacked my gob at how arrestingly gorgeous the whole thing looked.
I need this to become a full fledged game that I can spend a few hundred hours on :3
The controls are pretty creative and slick, the platforming feels challenging but fair, the checkpointing is on point, and the art (visuals, animation and music) is to die for.
*standing ovation*
So here's a question: I played using a Steam controller. I mapped most of the buttons to keyboard keys and the right touchpad and gyro to a mouse, but I kept the analog stick at its default config; so from the game's perspective I'm using keyboard, mouse and an xinput-compatible gamepad. TAPE works a-OK with that Frankenstein of a setup (so cheers for that!), the only thing you'll notice is that the on-screen prompts switch between keys/mouse buttons and PS4 buttons depending on what your last input was, but it happens on the fly without a hitch anyway, so it's almost unnoticeable.
On the other hand, there are some games (and some big, new AAA titles too) that have way more trouble with this; sometimes pausing for a fraction of a second whenever they detect such discrepancies, and sometimes even refusing to work altogether with a control system that isn't the one you launched the game with.
Do you have any idea what could be the explanation for that? Why is it that TAPE adjusts effortlessly while some other games seem to have so much trouble?
That was amazing. Please tell me this is aiming to become a full fledged game.
I loved the art and the PT-like atmosphere is on point, but what truly blew my mind is how amazingly physical it felt to control the character. Her hands interacting with items and door handles just felt so right. It reminded me of Dark Corners of the Earth and how those guys had to cut out a similar feature because they couldn't figure out how to prevent the character's arm from bugging out all the time. You guys nailed it. I love coming up to doors at weird angles and see the character position herself correctly in such a seamless manner to open them -- pachajustright.gif
Also, nice touch with the red curtain room. The owls are not what they seem.
OK, now I finished it. Looking forward to that cake :D
Just for my own peace of mind: Is there a way to go back from the last section after I closed the two waterfalls? I figured I could try the dive ability on previous areas, but I couldn't find a way to return.
Also, is there a way to get to the chest in this screenshot?
OK, After a couple hours with it, I'm loving this game. I love all the tiny details like the dripping humidity in the caves, and the grass swaying in the wind, and how water splashes when you fall in, and the dust particles when you jump, and the frankly impressively detailed animations (I can't get over how lively Melon's hair looks, for instance).
The off-center fullscreen thing I commented about before is most likely due to the resolution of my old monitor, I'm playing it on the TV now (1080p) and the fullscreen option of the in-game menu works as expected.
In case you're interested to know, I'm using a Steam controller and it works mighty fine (which is to be expected if you already tried a 360 one, but still, I guess it's good to know).
Question: I reached this point in the map and I can't seem to reach the ledge on the left, nor can I get to the top of silos 01 or 04 (where two chests are mocking me). I'm pretty sure I have nowhere else to go in the map and this would seem to be the way forward. What am I missing?
When I go fullscreen via the options menu, something weird happens: The image is slightly off-centered, I get a black bars on the left and on top, whereas the right and bottom sides of the image get cut out (just as seen in the image below).
However, if I go windowed in the options menu and force fullscreen by pressing ALT+ENTER, then the image is perfectly centered.
No idea what this is about. I'm using a 1366x768 monitor, in case that's important.
Do you have (or plan on having) a discord server? It seems to be pretty useful when it comes to give feedback and for general interaction between devs and the community.
Edit: I deleted a comment because I had gotten stuck and after I made a question I realized what I was supposed to do. Sometimes I'm a massive idiot XD
I'm enjoying the game so far, the controls need a tad of tuning at some points (particularly I think a wee bit of Coyote Time for the platforming would go a long way, as the limits of the platforms are way too strict right now; and the swimming feels somewhat unintuitive), but for the most part it feels responsive and I really enjoyed it overall. There's definitely the core of a solid game in there.
That was an impressive amount of content for such an early demo! And everything pretty nicely polished as well, didn't experience any problems in a good few hours of searching every nook and cranny.
I think I finally got everything there was to get, and I loved every moment of it.
This is already shaping up to be one of my favourite games of the last few years.
One question: I found 7 fugitive souls. Should there be one more or are those all?
Loving the gameplay! I can see a lot of potential here. I mean, it plays beautifully already, I can only imagine it getting better.
A few observations:
• A tutorial would be really useful. It took me quite a bit to realize how many moves I could actually perform (in fact, I just went in to try something and somehow I grabbed an enemy and piledrived (piledrove?) him, it was amazing!).
• Probably related: I beat the boss of the first area with some kind of insane hadouken thing, but I can't for the life of me figure out how I pulled that (I'm seeing it in one of your screenshots, in fact).
• Can you consider putting the roll and the block in different buttons? It's kind of messy having them both in the same one, I rolled away into danger by accident (I was just trying to block) quite a few times.
• Finally, how do I clear these two gaps (see pics)? I would assume the first one requires some sort of dash and the second a double jump, but I didn't find anything such upgrades.
Well that was quite fun. Lots of good ideas in there. I like the non-lethal, cute/naughty approach to combat; and I'm really digging the platforming so far. I'll be keeping an eye on this.
Just to make sure I got everything: The dash and wall jump are only available in the "tech demo" area, right? Not in the main game?
I've been doing some testing and apparently it has something to do with not using the default binding, for some reason the controller freaks out every now and then if I map "dash" to B instead of RT. So yeah, officially rebinding buttons would be awesome.
Just beat the giant spider, that was a great fight!
This is quite good!
Question: Why does the dash just cease to work altogether? At one point it doesn't respond to the button anymore, and I can't find any indicator as to why. I'm finding some obstacles that are clearly meant to be dashed over, so I'm guessing it's a bug?
Also, any chance to have an option to rebind the buttons? I'm not very comfortable with the default layout (I know it's a fairly common one, but I like my weird bindings XD ).
Looks lovely and the gameplay mechanics are solid. I wasn't expecting the boss to be so challenging, and it was a pleasant surprise. That said, the MP meter could be a tad more forgiving; especially if getting hit will disable the powered up staff, throwing a pretty important MP investment out the window.
I'm absolutely in love with the animations, there are a handful of details that truly sell the game.
All in all, I'm fully hooked and expecting eagerly the full release.