First off, thank you for rating my submission. I appreciate your candor and input. Now for me to return the favor!
I absolutely LOVE the boom-bap East coast style of the real world tracks. Instantly, I thought of New York streets and the greats like Biggie and Wu Tang. Already, this has struck nostalgia for me. The jazzy subtleties, and hearty drums and bass make me want to pick up a pen and start writing bars.
Ghosts of the Railroad takes me right to the mining days of the old west. The harsh drones of the digging and mining serve as the base rhythm for the souls of those who gave their lives to dig the tunnels. Their songs showing how they help occupy the time while trapped to mine the tunnels for eternity. Not per say unhappy, but not thriving.
Desperation at the Space Station gives me "The Last Stand" vibes. It has a level of gravitas, but ultimately shows the steel nerves of the character it plays for. I can see this for facing space raiders or bandits, as well as saving a planet or ships from some form of natural/unknown calamity while staying cool under the pressure. I also like the western-spacey-noodley guitar tones.
Pirate Queens booty has awesome sea-faring vibes that automatically draw me to warm sunny beaches and vibrant open seas. Rum and sea shanties are sure to follow, as I also sense a little Pirates of the Caribbean influence (not in a bad way of course). I can see myself following the Pirate Queen to Davey Jones' Locker accompanied with music like this.
Alongside a VHS-style inspiration, I believe it all ties together nicely in concept and is an awesome idea that I would most certainly want to play as a full game