Thanks! I also wasn't perfectly happy with some of the sounds, and especially the the strings, but given the short time I used 80% 20% rule.
I used BBC Symphony Orchestra, which is probably as good as it gets for a free VST. Problem was they did not work at all for Dance of the Ducklings, they are so sluggish that it is almost impossible to play anything shorter than a quarter note, so I had to fall back on kinda crappy sf2 strings from Kiarchive. Came close to what I had in mind with the melody but I wish they were a bit clearer and less obviously midi...
If you can recommend a library for strings please let me know. I think I am ready to spend some money on this. I am also trying to learn how to make instruments sound more realistic, and I have pretty much no idea about mixing and such, so if you could recommend any resources or tutorials on this that would be great.
Thanks for listening closely tho. Means a lot!