I'm really enjoying the 07 update until now at least (only day 11). The first days where a bit rough since my computer struggled to handle the trash around the base, but as i cleaned up it became a lot more playable.
- Kerfur gets stuck on the curbs of the base all the time to the point of having to go out and move them by hand.
- Bad Sun isn't censored (or cause harm) if viewed though the top glass sections of the windows in the corridor on the 2nd floor.
- Vending machines has a massive bloodlust for any players wanting to move them.
- A way to assign hotbar slots to specific items (tired of having my crowbar/hook move around all the time)
- Further cleaning of base, blood removal, remove cracks, make it look pristine.
- Make cleaning required later on by slowly adding dirt and grime around the base as time goes. (blood if player gets hurt)
- Make the trascans if filled enough produce trashpiles (activate option to eject the trash out of the can) the player have to deal with.
- Corrupted Kerfur/O-Kerfur might happen rarely. Kerfur will go and break servers instead of fixing them (O-Kerfur might also provide the wrong codes. Can be fixed with a Server Repair Kit
I'll be looking forwards to many more hours of fun in game game to come.
And a last question, why does the security room (in a base located in Switzerland) have a Norwegian "Høyspenning Livsfare" (Danger High Voltage) sign on it, and what in the room is over 1kV AC or 1.5kV DC?