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The way the Prelude fades away to nothing makes me feel like it's the last part of the music, rather than the beginning the first part of the music announces it is. I really like the first part.

Loved the delicacy of the glockenspiel in the second track! 

Loved the bubbling bass in the third track! It would be good to have had the bubbling and the solo brass work together a bit more in a rhythmic sense when they both play together.


Thank you so much for your comments! I'm glad you like the tracks!

I was actually writing more parts which would have explored some of these parts (I wanted to have all of them represented in the final part) but couldn't finish them all with another event coming up. So yes, it all probably sounds a bit unfinished. The prelude for example was written to be like a "shorter version" of the longest track, and overlaying them, they should partially match, because I took parts of the first to create the last track. That's why I titled it "prelude", because it's like a intro or omen, but I wanted to have it's own ending, more than I wanted it to only flow into the other tracks perfectly. Hopefully I'll have time to continue the unfinished parts later! I'll think about the double bass and the rest of the rhythym for my other tracks! :)