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4nnih6 Game OST - In, togetherView project page

Gamejam OST
Submitted by Anni Ho — 1 day, 13 hours before the deadline
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4nnih6 Game OST - In, together's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#4343.2003.200

Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Don't have a specific game for this, but I imagine it would be something like a peaceful exploration game, with some emotional or puzzle moments for tension.
Track 1 - Prelude - I have a choir background so I was imgaining something pastoral, a sadder story before the main story
Track 2 - Deep Skies - Seeing the theme image, I was reminded of how much I love stargazing and watching the sky. Wanted to connect the 1st and 3rd tracks with a lighter piece.
Track 3 - In, Together - What does it mean to be connected to other people? To me, it's letting them into my own world, but also listening to theirs. Inspired by estonian choir and instrumental chambre music, but also things like Muumilaakson tarinat, which I used to watch as a kid, and thinking about the forests and seas here. I just kept going at this until I liked it better. (Might release an earlier shorter version as an alternate shorter track)

I used MuseScore 3 to compose the piece (I've been MS since 2017 when I needed to remake some sheet music for my choir then) and Mixcraft for the mastering (although I'm not very experienced with this).

Had fun with this! Wanted to do a lot more, but finished just these 3 for now. The chrono order is actually Prelude - In, Together - Sky, but this order makes more sense.

Message from the artist
Never taken part of a game music jam before, so I hope everyone else also had fun with this jam! Lets enjoy our music together! Looking forward to listening everyone else's submissions, this was a cool theme :)


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
I thought both about the image and text actually, and how there’s always like a prelude or step before you reach new heights. Thanks what “Inside my world” means to me. When you get to know a person, or spend more time with them, the more you discover of what their world is like. I was imagining a sort of light nature fantasy with the image in tow, but also outerspace and how vast the world really is, represented by the sky. I wanted to get something that would appeal to my choir singer sensibilities (I just like messing around with different almost-pastoral melodies when I can), but also wanted to get an almost synthy or not-quite classical sounds to go along with the sky/outside world themes I was getting from the jam theme.

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Hey... Is this your first jam? Cool!

I like the general idea, the idea and what this soundtrack is leading to!

I wish you good luck, perseverance and hope that you will continue to participate in such events! Good luck! I hope to hear your next works and your further progress!

Thanks a lot for the soundtrack, heh)


It is! Usually I've been to game jams as an artist or judge, but this is my first time as a composer.

Thanks, I'm really glad to get this many comments and feedback on my work! I hope I can join more OST and music jams in the future too :)

I like your soundtrack as well!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)


Do you know that tomorrow there will be another composer jam? It's small, but it will be very nice to listen to your new music)


There’s lots of variety in your ideas here, with lots of contrast between tracks and some really nice ideas here. Be more confident with developing the compositional materials you have to add more depth to your tracks, and keep working on the sample programming to give it more dynamic shape, but overall a great effort :)


Thank you for your advice, I'll try to go into the next works with more confidence!
 I find that although I enjoy composing with notes in MuseScore (I'm a bit oldschool... ), the dynamics are definitely a bit easier to play around with in a real DAW. I think I was kind of afraid of doing something with these that would dis-qualify them from the jam for grounds of unoriginality (even if... everyone uses the stems from their DAW, right?) and tried to keep re-doing some of the sound in MS directly instead. Definitely will keep experimenting and learning :) Thanks again!


OH woaw that dissonance, wonderful writing in prelude! 

Cool little ost^^You should work on the mix to get a better quality overall ;)


Thanks! I'm surprised people are liking Prelude as much as they are! ^^ I'll definitely think about re-mixing them a bit for the re-release!


Welcome to the jam and congrats on getting your first submission in!

I think these are a wonderful trio of tracks. Good choice of instrumentation and progressions. Having the Prelude be so wind-driven was nice, especially when transitioning into the more bell-like mallet-oriented Deep Skies. This track feels pensive in a lot of ways but it has a steady pulse to keep progressing. Good work on getting everything to sit comfortably together!

Going Together is a bit of a departure; hearing some brass accompanying the woodwinds. I like the melodies here, they feel as though they're weaving in and out of one another. The change of pace half-way through is nice and provides a bit of a palate cleanser before revisiting some of the prior section again as the final leg of the track kicks off. Nice little glockenspiel melodies to wrap it all up.

Enjoyed giving this a listen, good work! Best of luck in the jam. :)


Hi! Thank you so much for your extensive comment! I'm sorry I didn't reply earlier, but the comment just made me so happy, I didn't know what to reply :) I was very pleased to hear someone else going in-depth over some short pieces I wrote. I'm honestly surprised I got comments at all, this felt like quite a short album, even if I set out to make something more completed. I'll keep what you said here in mind as I revisit the tracks some other day, or add more to this collection!

Fun little fact: two of the tracks started as an overlayed version with both of the melodies playing and overlapping with each other for a little bit for several bars. Can you guess which ones? (I find you already sorta did hehe)

Thank you so much and hope you scored well and got a lot of comments too in the jam!


Nice work! I enjoyed "Deep Skies" the most. "Going Together" kind of gets muddy in the middle due to the bass, some EQ-ing there would help clean it up.

By the way, have you considered moving to Musescore 4? I think your work would sound a lot better with MuseSounds.


Thanks! I did try Musescore 4 when it came out (exactly for the new soundfonts) but something about the new version didn't click with me. I might try again after this jam is over! I will definitely take another look at the bass and other peaking here and there to clean these tracks up a bit :)


The way the Prelude fades away to nothing makes me feel like it's the last part of the music, rather than the beginning the first part of the music announces it is. I really like the first part.

Loved the delicacy of the glockenspiel in the second track! 

Loved the bubbling bass in the third track! It would be good to have had the bubbling and the solo brass work together a bit more in a rhythmic sense when they both play together.


Thank you so much for your comments! I'm glad you like the tracks!

I was actually writing more parts which would have explored some of these parts (I wanted to have all of them represented in the final part) but couldn't finish them all with another event coming up. So yes, it all probably sounds a bit unfinished. The prelude for example was written to be like a "shorter version" of the longest track, and overlaying them, they should partially match, because I took parts of the first to create the last track. That's why I titled it "prelude", because it's like a intro or omen, but I wanted to have it's own ending, more than I wanted it to only flow into the other tracks perfectly. Hopefully I'll have time to continue the unfinished parts later! I'll think about the double bass and the rest of the rhythym for my other tracks! :)


The first track had some issues with clipping in the flutes probably because too many similar ranges were playing at once. I liked the glockenspiel in the second and third pieces a lot.

some changes to the mastering would make vast improvements on the whole thing.


Thank you for the feedback! I was thinking something similar, but thought I had solved it with the final version. I'll keep your comment in mind when I continue working on this after the jam ends!


I love the glockenspiels and horns in these tracks! Makes me think a whimsical adventure is happening. Awesome work!


Ahh, thank you!! I'm so happy to read this kind of comment on my work!