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Totally achieved that ocean of mind feeling on this.

Some great sound design, especially on the pads, but I do think you could maybe have gone a bit further with some more complex modulation to create some more interesting and shimmering sounds, especially as a lot of the arrangements were very sparse. But they were still good enough to hold my interest even when very minimal. 

I think the very plain bass works really well for the style of soundtrack you've gone for but in the early tracks I think the sort of high-mid range bell sounds you feature quite heavily could have used a bit more added texture to them, they do work and fit in nicely but at times they were a little overly plain. There were a couple times also where they were poking through a bit too loudly that made things feel a bit unbalanced. 

The sort of mid range guitar-esque arpeggio you have in My Inner Beauty sounds fantastic and I would have loved to hear more sounds like that.

There are some other great moments too like the very emotional middle section of sadness with that melody part that sounds half-way between a string and a flute. That entire track is another one I really liked tbh.

The times where you bring in the wave sounds on 1&4 work really nicely too.

Overall though I do rate this one pretty highly and really enjoyed it!