Hey Nekomancer,
Sounds interesting- we do graphic novel games- Witches and Bandits and Swords (Oh My) and The Bunny Hill Horror are on this site. And if anyone wants to manually translate them using Unity code in a different language, and upload them to that country's gamesites, then please get in touch (they're about 20,000 and 14,000 words respectively).
We could offer a 50/50 split of any money from the translated versions however, keep in mind these games have to be released for free (because of the copyright terms of our use of graphics), so any profit would have to come from advertising.
Also, do you have a website or any presence on social media (e.g. Twitter)? As a tip, I'd definitely recommend having something like to link to, as you're more likely to get clients if they know a bit more about who they're doing business with :)