I'm also new at game development. This is only my 2nd jam and although I've been working on other projects to learn more about how to code the games, use the engine and improve, I've still only published 2 games and both of them are for the jams I've done.
I've figured out though that the more I do and the more problems I learn to solve, the better I'm getting at the coding. I've also been trying to make my own assets as much as possible so that I can hopefully keep the games I make consistent (I find sound and music the hardest for myself however).
I'd say keep going and try to come up with small projects you can make for yourself to kind of test yourself on making different mechanics or styles of games. That's what I'm trying to do. My first project was a 2D platformer (not published yet), my second was going to be a small 3D RPG style game (incomplete), my 3rd was a 3D survival horror (nearly complete), my 4th was 2D Shooter (first jam game), 5th a 3D shooter (in progress), and my game for this jam is a collection and trading game.
The great thing about trying to make games is that if you have an idea and figure out a way to implement it, you can make it.