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Thank you for the feedback!  I probably should have added more instruments to lead/accompany but I think my memory and ram exploded so I just went with what I had.  It was less of a traditional orchestra and basically just a mash of string instruments + high timbre woodwinds in the background.  Near 2:30 I have the mandolin play it too, but its mostly just the solo violin again.  My programming skills with horns and woodwinds are definitely lackluster, so I once I experiment with them more I'll definitely look towards something like Miyazaki's work for section arrangement!  


You can tell that you study orchestration because you have a good ability to write for orchestra. Writing for symphonic ensembles is always a bit more complex, but I don't think it's necessary. Your type of ensemble works precisely because it's smaller, in my opinion. Consider it as an exercise; if you have the time, I would suggest experimenting (even if you don't have to publish it) with winds in addition to what you've written. I think it could work 😊