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Don Gi

A member registered Mar 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Gives off a tune for daily life exploring a very soft, meadowy landscape.  Props to the recorded guitar and vocals, enjoyed their usage.  Only lil feedback would be the vol of some of the tracks and the processing of the guitar, but even then it sounds nicely fit.

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Checked them out, love them completely: Definitely hear the FF stuff (13 or 14) esp with the build up, def with the flute runs!  It feels a lot busier than the stuff in Tides of Fate, big fan of both directions but im definitely biased towards these just for the filtered percussions, synths, and long delays; 
Also what's the perc at 0:24 in Battle? I've been trying to re-create metal-y tone stuff by processing anvil hits and it never sounds good

Thank you!! Definitely will work on that in future compositions, took a very one dimensional approach in this comp with the melody & sections so I kinda just followed it and repeated it, def would've sounded better with a diff section in the beginning or somewhere in the middle for contrast.  I appreciate the feedback! 

Thank you!!! Listened to a bunch of FF tracks so I totally get you, futuristic sfx + traditional/ethnic instruments is always satisfying.  I get you on the direction part, kinda had to get it to fit later on so I was just staring at the picture for a while.  Would love to hear that direction if you go with it in future submissions, still think you did it really well nonetheless!

I have indeed been playing and listening to a lot of Replicant and Automata...  Really inspired by dynamic/layered tracks so I was gonna flesh out the idea to have 3 tracks: 

  1. One that's more folk and barebones with the melody
  2. one full orchestra + some traditional as if you're in a town, 
  3. anthen like a full on boss battle

Definitely gonna do this next jam (hopefully)

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Thank you!! Definitely hit the nail on the head with those inspos, those were basically all of my references.  As much as I like this one track, I would've loved if I did more for the jam !!!

Thank you for the feedback!  I probably should have added more instruments to lead/accompany but I think my memory and ram exploded so I just went with what I had.  It was less of a traditional orchestra and basically just a mash of string instruments + high timbre woodwinds in the background.  Near 2:30 I have the mandolin play it too, but its mostly just the solo violin again.  My programming skills with horns and woodwinds are definitely lackluster, so I once I experiment with them more I'll definitely look towards something like Miyazaki's work for section arrangement!  

Love how you processed all the sounds, really powers up the soundfonts and they feel so wide!  Love how you arrangemented them too, a lot of love went into the melodies and all the little embellishes.  Really feels lik a hommage to the game idea and inspos well!  

Nice storywriting in the songs!  Pretty good string arrangement too, pretty cohesive between all the tracks.  Good job!

Love how wide it sounds!  Big fan of how you used delay to fill up the space, sounds really underwater-like too!  Like how you added vocaloid, very unique in the comp!  A little feedback on it would to add more vol control there, also couldn't shake it out my head that it was Puppycat (prob the same voicebank) singing...

Good work!

Awesome production, love how well you dove into the narrative aspect with both the title and the final boss, Love the atmosphere you built with the shimmers, reverb, reverse'd percs, and all the fast tension releases!  Really great listen, filled all the whole stereoscape with beautiful design and control.  Amazing!  

Thanks for the feedback!!! Definitely needed to work on my percussion programming, compression def didnt help the dynamic range but I mostly layered multiple hits rather than changed the velocity

Thank you, really wanted to keep it dynamic since I was afraid the melody would get a tad bit boring, really happy you felt that way!

Thank you!!! Wanted to fit the narrative as it developed into my brain (slowly).  I was striving for at least 3 songs but I dedicated one day and a sleep-deprived brain to it.  Being sleep-deprived probably helped though...

Stradivari Violin you can find from Native Instruments, it comes with one of the Kontakt Ultimates but I'm not sure how low those go for (say on Black Friday Deals).  Would defiunitely look out for it and I'm also looking into SWAM physical modelling instruments!  

Thank you!!! I referenced some of NiER Automata's tracks while trying to idea craft: they actually use a lot of electronic/idm blips paired with a lot of metal/anvil-like strikes.  Really fits their narrative, not sure if the electronic stuff here does for mine but I just love them too much 

Thank you! Wish I did more but that'll wait till next jam.

Very nice work!  Love how expressive each track is as they meld into something new!  Very groovy, fun, and unique tracks that all stand out.  Only small nitpick would be the quality of the guitar on Title Theme , other than that I think everything else is great.  Love the atonal melody you use in RAM-EATER, works really well with the bass and percussion.  Awesome stuff, def hear the Earthbound influence in the groove/sound selection!  Really fun listen.

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Beautiful, beautiful arrangements!  I love how clear the Japanese influences are with really nice chord inversions, 4 and 5 stacks (if im hearing right), great dynamics and expression in each of the instruments.  In that sphere of Japanese composers, I personally try to study Keiichi Okabe + Monaca Studio's and early FF compositions and I know how intensive it can be to study those styles.  I can feel your love and appreciation for this genre and I know you've definitely worked your butt off to replicate this delicate style.  One of the main components I think you've gotten down really well were the string programming, it really sells the FF melody building, and the overall structure through your articulations/expressions.  

My small feedback is that some of the solo instruments, such as the Harp in Track 2, are a bit too loud in some parts.  Also, I feel like the string dynamics in the beginning of Beyond The Meadow could've been held longer to help ground the beginning phrases.

(Also, what string library are you using? Definitely going to get it no matter the cost, I need to stop using stock kontakt for inst. ensembles ;-;)

This was such an ineffable listen and I appreciate your craft wholeheartedly! Looking forward to hearing more. 

Also saw you referenced final symphony and cynax so I know you're tapped in >:) 

Thank you! Keeping the melody the same while keeping listening experience good was one of my main concerns, so thank you for the generous feedback!

Sound/instrument selection and carefully crafting the arrangement are some most essential steps for a good mix, so you're already doing pretty well!

Love how each instrument has it's turn to play/accompany the melody.  A lot of nice sound and instrument selection for the idea at hand too.  The vocals feel synthetic yet fit right into the arrangement and work really well with the melodies.  Your string arrangements are also very impressive, love what you did in Revenge ! Great job, nice melodies!

Very cute melody and a lovely break into more future-bass sounds!  Moves like a waltz and I'm all here for it.  Nice work.

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Love your instrument selection deeply!  They all bring rich warmth into your mix, as solo or as accompaniment.  A lot of clarity in your mix, so I can appreciate the expressions and dynamics more intensely!  Your piano playing is wonderful to listen to with a lot of satisfying runs and chord tones!  Nice job!

looking forward to it :D

Thank you!! Crafted it just for this scene in particular, so I'm really impressed with submissions that broke the beyond the picture and found unique interpretations like yours!

Very nice chiptune tracks!  Loved the opening sequence you had, them delved all the chiptuney greatness.  I can hear your influences via your melody and harmonies, very reminiscent of Gameboy track limits, really great work conveying that.  Like others have mentioned, I think a bit more expression within the sf themselves would bring this to another level of production!  Maybe even incorporating the orchestral elements you had in the opening track too.

Overall, great stuff, really nostalgic!

Very good artcore arrangement!!!! Really big fan of the short release piano runs, and especially a big fan of how you proccessed the strings!  Definitely gave off NiER vibes in terms of arrangement and melody construction.  Mix was very clean, very spacious, and allowed inst. sections to have their turn.  Awesome work!

Really love how you arranged all of your tracks, with contrasting A and B sections that flow into eachother through multiple means!  I also love how the initial melodies always expanded and grew as darker/gritter instruments were added into the arrangement.  Your mix felt full yet allowed instruments move freely within the arrangement, Your ideas were fairly unique and every track was a fun and transformative experience! Nice stuff!

Love the minimalist/atmospheric approach!  Think you filled up the stereoscape really well, love the textures you added.  Very nice and easy listen, can definitely hear the C418 influences in the way you processed the arrangement, especially in the slow synth arps!  Good job!

Really solid cinematic arrangements!  Love your use of percussion, seems carefully and successfully used!  Your string arrangments are very strong, very nice to hear through the soundtrack! Nice job!

Very nice dream-like vibes in each of these tracks! Pretty solid arrangement stucture wise, like how I could follow the chords pretty easily.  Nice work!

Loved your arrangements!  I can hear a lot of east asian influence in the melody construction + instrument sections.  A lot of careful section choices made the melody flow from sections to sections really nicely. I was also a big fan of your ethnic instrument use in certain tracks, especially in setting smaller scenes.  Small bit of feedback was that they felt segmented from the traditional orchestra compositions (in ghibli-esque style), and I would've loved if one of the larger tracks such as Haruka's Waltz andEscape to Reality also included them in the mix, it would've brought it to a whole other level!  Other than that, really great compositions! 

Definitely one of the more intricate sound design submissions, I love the blend between inharmonic and harmonic elements in the earlier tracks!  I also loved how you use your textures and idm percussion, and also the color/botanica granular sound design in the first track and other tidbits.  It's a really nice OST, very digitally modern in it's design! 

Wow! Love the soundscape you've created through the use of organic textures, reverse pianos, and otherwordly vocals!  Your sound selection works really really well.  Your piano arrangement is also amazing in the 2nd track, love the runs you do, really nice expressions!  It feels nicely tailored to the atmospheric, etheral, and worldly tone.  I also noticed how seamlessly these tracks interact with eachother, seems like they could intertwine forever.  Awesome mix, fits beautifully as is.  Nice stuff!

Love the webcore/dreamcore influence in your tracks!  Especially love the first track, can see it paired well with a frutiger aero background/game.  The sound choices were very nice, warm synths.  Nice tracks!

Definitely one of the most creative approaches to ambience/atmospheric here!  Love all the movements in each of your tracks, and when paired with your spacey & idm glitch design it really strikes a chord with me.  Definitely feels like a dystopian future basked in otherwordly sentience.  Love it!

Thank you! After seeing the amount of amazing tracks everyones produced I'll definitely dedicate more time towards these jams!

Really impressed with every section!  Think you nailed the underwater/bubbly aspect of the theme really well.  I think your processing decisions for the delay and reverb were perfect for setting the scene in the arrangement.  Really impressed with the mix too, even with the short amount of time you had due to injury.  Great work!

Really loved your instrumentation selection!  Think you laid out the arrangement very eloquently with the ethnic elements.  Always loved to hear when you introduced mid/higher clarity percussion into the mix, completely changed the dynamic.  Also really loved how Chlild and Sea developed and bloomed into full intensity.  Really great OST submission, nice work!