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I love the vocal work on display throughout. Very creative! You give such a sense of atmosphere, and each piece has its own little arc as they tell a full story. You had my full attention for the entire runtime and I was always looking forward to the next place you would take things after each track.

Thanks alot for your time, feedback, and.̴.̵.̷ ̸ A̶M̷ G̶L̷A̸D̸ Y̵O̷U̴ E̷N̶J̴O̵Y̶E̴D̴ Y̷O̶U̷R̵ V̷I̶S̷I̵T̴ T̵O̵ M̴Y̶ P̵L̷A̷N̴E̵T̴̵,̶ S̶T̴R̴A̵N̸G̶E̸R̵