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Loved interaction with Duri. Loved new lore! Loved to be able to pet the heck outta wolfs. Also glad to see all fun time at the end of the 3rd chapter being finished. I'm still in awe of mc's and oswin's chemistry and heartbreaking history together. Im a sucker for this kind of story, and i wonder what did he lived through, what exactly made him acting like such an idiot. I've got my guesses, and I will wait. I wish he talked about choice in flowers for tea ;) 

Oh, I adore Shadow btw. Point for being able to snuggle the kitten.

In Slavic folklore there is Grey Wolf, sentient and wise creature, that helps protagonist of tales. I feel connected to Duri in this regard lol.

Thank you so much! I'm gonna reread it all for Zahn scenes. And then rerun for Duri's antics.

Also. I read your nswf piece in the beginning. Hot damn 🤌🥰


I'm so glad you loved it, my friend! I can't wait to reveal all of Oswin's baggage. He's frustrating to me too because you really have to slowly chisel away at that damn wall of his. Even I think he needs to just fess up, lol. 

Your favorite flower will come up later, so don't you worry. Oswin doesn't know yet that it's your favorite.

Enjoy your re-reads! There's some fun things in there to discover for all of them.

(Also more nsfw stuff to come, we just need to get the MC to a safe place first, lol. Glad you liked it, I was nervous about my smut quality and have big plans for future moments.)