It brings me an ungodly amount of joy that you found this, lol. It is indeed a Shakira reference. My spouse and I sing She-Wolf all the time, awoos included, so I couldn't resist! I think only one other person may have found this to my knowledge, unless no one dares evoke her name lest she appear, lol. ^_^
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I am thrilled that you liked Jun! He's had a few fans pop up here and there and it's tempted me to borrow his character for another story sometime.
Oh my goodness, your assessments have me over here giggling and tapping my fingies together like a villain. I think you will really enjoy chapter 6. I've got it outlined and several key moments will...resonate with you. ^_^
I am so sorry, dear, but saves were super broken with the update. I am currently trying to get itch's Butler application to work so I don't break them again, but my laptop can't run it. I have delayed a patch for chapter 5 until I can get it worked out though. I'm trying to find another computer that may run the app I need to do this. Hope it didn't dampen your enjoyment!
Hello dear! Glad you enjoy the story. Just know that the frustration you sense about the limitations, your MC does too. That's a vital part of the story with your MC's life being on hold and stymied because of the curse. Without the stakes and your MC being so held back in life, you don't have as much of a push to find a solution. With your healer, there just isn't much in the way of traditional medicine for your MC to do for themselves since their affliction is unique. There's one known plant that helps and chapter 6 will actually touch on why that is.
I'm glad overall you find it immersive and a good experience! Hang in there, MC can only go up from here! ^_^
Happy New Year to you as well my dear! And you are very welcome for the meal, I hope it has left you sated. I am elated that your lovely ladies have got you down so badly and that you're enjoying each of them so much. You have done me a great honor by complimenting the Zahn spice. I enjoy writing those scenes and I fret about them being enjoyable for a wide audience.
I've had a pretty good and much-needed break and am getting in gear to begin writing chapter 6! It is outlined already. ^_^
I'm glad you like it! I have considered altering the romance system as well. I initially vetoed the more in-between actions since the personality system doesn't use a middle-ground option either (saves me a lot of coding and struggling to find an in-between option that feels natural). But the personality extremes can still kinda pass sometimes for a middle-ground response - they just don't feel as uniquely "this or that" to me. It wouldn't be too difficult to add another flirting method either. I'll do some thinking on it! Thank you, my dear! I can't wait to see how this project grows. ^_^
That might be a POV for later, my friend. Or Oswin may tell MC himself during a conversation in chapter 6 (I'm still outlining so I can't say for sure yet). I am currently working on an extra for Tumblr to celebrate hitting over 2000 followers. It covers MC's "cursed birthday" from Oswin's eyes and should be published this month. It will probably be on itch since my idea is to make it interactive (mainly just adding your MC's details). ^_^
Thank you so much! I'm glad you mentioned the personality system because I'm currently wondering if I should stick with it for my next IF or try something new. I think the method in GC has been the favored one though. LOL MC is a bit Mary Sue (Mary Cue? MC - :D - I'll stop), but one you can put through a meat grinder. (this might be mentioned in the game too at some point, lol)
Technically there isn't anything in that's specific about a trans MC. My thinking when I did the character creation as it is was that, at least in this world, whoever you are - you just are. That's kinda how I see myself because I've always been in a grey area for my own identity. So, I just am. That's why I didn't enter any sort of specified option for transitioning. Just know I am still giving thought to the subject and I may change my current design in the future as long as I can make it a meaningful one to readers. Hope this helps! ^_^
(Just as a note in case it is something you'd like to know, for any of the moments that they can come into play, MC's bits are defined by the reader and not the pronouns.)
Hello there! Love that you tried out Noodles! The plan is to go back through and add more flavor text for that and a few other name selections. I adore that you have an entire troupe of pasta, lol.
If you'd like just a little bit more Nathan, there's a mini story posted about how he met Shadow here
I'm trying to wiggle him in a bit more, so no worries, you'll cross paths again eventually!
Your assessments of everyone made me smile, lol. You are very wise. Thank you so much for your kind words, I'm so glad that you've found something to love here. ^_^