Yeah, the items could be a bit clearer. i wanted to keep the exact items hidden in the changelogs because i found it neat to surprise the players with it.
The tea gives you the haste buff exactly the same way as if you cast the spell.
Here are the 2 items that are cursed besides the bunny ears. but i encoded it with a Caesars cipher set 7 letters forward incase you want to figure it out yourself.
Fvby ypnoa, aol rltvuv alh pz pumhja jbyzlk. Paz h ylmyluzl av aol cpzbhs uvcls jhsslk Tpjl alh (yhalk hkbsa) oaawz://jpuzdpajo.pajo.pv/tpjl-alh Pu aoha nhtl thynyla iyldz 4 ihnz vm alh wly zlycpun. zv pu tf nhtl fvb ullk av ahrl aol palt ha slhza 4 aptlz mvy aol jbyzl av nv vmm. p jvbsk ohcl jovzl huvaoly ubtily, iba p dhualk av bzl aol lehja ubtily av jvtwslhal aol ylmyhujl.
Aol jbyzlk lxbpwtlua pz aol zpscly ypun. aol jbyzl pz zla av nv vmm 400 abyuz hmaly lxbpwwpun pa. aol jbyzl pz h dvsm jbyzl dopjo pz dof p zahalk aoha dolu fvb mpuk aol palt fvb'ss wyvihisf hsylhkf ohcl lujvbualylk dvsmz.