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Huh, that's odd. I don't really know anything about how the app works. If you can open it directly, would it work to just create a shortcut to run the game from instead of using the app, or is the app still preferable to that?


fyi this isnt unique to you, this happens to many different games on itch

Ya I could do that. It's just a little easier to Launch from the app. It also tracks play time, which isn't important but I like it


Yeah I did a quick search on the issue to see if I could find anything but nothing really came up, and given that this apparently happens on other games, it sounds like more of an issue with itch than the game, so I'm not sure if I can do anything about it, especially since it only happens some of the time, I have no idea what would be causing that, sorry.

Thats too bad. Ty for looking into it