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Don't you dare insult Ultrakill, or even worse; MINECRAFT. 

As a matter of fact, let me explain the superiority of both of these games in terms you are able to understand, since, clearly, there is a language barrier between us :

airhead, asshole, ass-kisser, bastard, bugger, chicken, dag, deadbeat, dickhead, donkey, dope, dork, dweeb, gasbag, git, goose, jerk, loudmouth, foul-mouthed-ass-motherless-motherfucker, rat-fucker prat, whiny twerp, fatherless discovery-channel-type fat yobbo, you loathsome venomous-kisser-ass toad, virgin cheese-smelling full-of-mites, for virginity breeds mites, similar to cheese, but do not worry for any instant, as I can now call you son, for, villain, I have done thy mother, in this fact, indeed, your fatherlessness has ended, only to commence again, as I abandon thou, for you dost infect mine eyes, yes, thine face is not worth going out and sunburning, if even thou could be found there, you are as the duke, a flesh-monger, a fool, and a coward, but I need to leave right this instant, for more of hearing thine foul conversation would infect mine brain, and there's no more faith in thee than in a stewed prune, begone now, or I'll beat thee, even at the risk of infecting mine delicate gamer hands, to achieve such an act as hitting you while not entering in thine desperate cage that is your aunt's basement, I would trick thou no-longer from head-to-foot than hip-to-hip, fatass puke-stoking buttery guts by holding a moldy doughnut out by thine screen, moldy, for anything else would not tickle your rancid fancy, go-away, rump-fed onion.