- I might need to increase the max zoom in multiplayer for this. I did increase it bit last time which felt nice, but could use a bit more! I'm also working on making a transition when you go through a portal so its not so jarring.
- It should be working now (I'll re-test!), but if you have already caught all fish in your current zone at S rank, then it will just go back to normal, allowing all fish for that zone.
- luck increases the chance for enemies to drop hearts and pumpkins, and other things like more chances to see fishing pools, higher lucky-cast chance, slightly more coin drops on the 2nd boss (this caps at 50 luck giving the max).
- This was a silly mistake on my part, enemies are supposed to be confused for a second, but instead they are locked-in-place for a second and still attack if you are in-range... hah
- I'm working on that right now, more alternate boss fights, zone changes, and upgrade paths for weapons.
- Each zone has around 10 fish unique to it (including the home zone) - this trophy lets you find all the fish that you have caught in the dungeon at home too, so you get more chances to catch the S rank version and unlock the S rank trophy.
TY for the amazing feedback again!