Great work, I really like the choice of instrumentation throughout both of these. New Discoveries is paced well and the layering of the various elements is great. I like the use of percussion to give it a little driving force and direction when needed, and the background mallet-like melody and progression is gorgeous - moody and almost ill-defined but unwavering.
OST 1(theme) is really pretty - the piano work in this is really nice and evocative as others have mentioned. Great job with the orchestration in this one in particular, the string accompaniment is well done and I like the different use of articulations. Having this dip into a lull for a change of tone half-way through was a nice surprise, and I like how it feels a little more.. curious, I guess? Less definitive in the direction of the first half and now laden with a little bit of child-like fascination and curiosity for what's ahead.
Great work, these were a delight to listen to. Well produced and explorative. Best of luck!