Title Track (June's theme) - I like the dynamics of the piano, and how large it feels from the reverb. A great opening theme.
"Wake up June" - The piano is nice and it feels bright, a nice contrasting feeling from the previous track by having less wet sound. I can't really describe the emotion I feel from this but it's something similar to lightheartedness.
Morning Shrine Visit - I love the little synth in the background, The lower general volume puts a strong emphasis on the story too
June goes to School - The flute-like (recorder?) instrument gives a very nostalgic and young feel.
The Beach - The sound design of the waves is very cool, I like the use of swells in this track.
The Festival - Paints the background very nicely. The ambience, the drums, A well fitting song for the environment.
June Lost Her Mom - I am reminded slightly of "Rivers in the Desert" from the Brass, I like the urgency of the theme, could imagine this playing when I lost my mom in the mall when I was younger.
June's Mom is Sick - The track is slow and melancholic. I like the chord-progression in the strings a lot.
An Almost Answered Prayer- I like the piano and drums, it has a grand but serious feeling, with some mystery to it. I like how the synth repeats after the piano. The SFX are nice too. This is my favorite track
Inside my Mind - The guitar and vocals are really nice. I like the buildup with the percussion and the electric guitar
I liked the story concept. I feel the tracks convey the whole story pretty well. The melodies are great and I like the reoccurence of June's theme, I am usually pretty bad at identifying leitmotifs on a first listen so consider that a compliment haha. Great work!