That's an incredibly cool texture in the beginning, and the guitar melodies are great! I feel a bittersweetness from the first guitar section, like if the hero were grasping for the heavens, and after the transition I get the feeling of a hero's final stand. I want to ask what the song means to you though because I hope my interpretation of it isn't too far off here! This is a great piece though, nicely done!
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Haha, I am glad you found my pattern names! I like to add little details in the DAW screenshot (sometimes) to provide a little more perspective from the outside! I titled it human error mostly because I wanted it to feel as if someone playing the piano was having a bit of trouble playing the melody. It represents the Hero being overcome with weakness
The heartbeat represents the heaviness of what the Hero is facing. It's a moment where a fearless warrior feels as if they're being suffocated by their own internal conflicts. I imagine thoughts like "I don't want to do this" or "I can't do this" fill the Hero's head. (But another internal conflict could possibly be some really intense indigestion after eating some funky looking snail too)
The piano vst is a LABS preset called "intimate grand piano - direct" from the "Intimate grand piano" pack. I like it a lot, I just discovered it and I really like how expressive it feels to play!
Thank you for listening!
Thank you and sorry the reply is a little late! I am glad you find the story interesting, I originally had something more in-depth in mind planned but I was afraid of potentially over-complicating things, it was a concept that had some mix of ideas from Majora's Mask and Final Fantasy. I am glad you like the change to 5/4 as well! I've had lots of difficulty implementing certain aspects like drum rhythms into 5/4 sometimes so it is nice to hear the whole thing turns out well! It's cool to hear you make songs in 5/4 as well, it's always a fun area to compose in!
There's a feeling of grandness I get from this track. I think there's a nice progression you've made here. The style of playing feels very human, I like it especially on the piano, I personally feel the attack of the string doesn't fully develop on the super short notes, but I would maybe just say that's a difference in style as I am also someone who quantizes pretty much everything I play into midi, almost too much at times. I still think it sounds pretty cool and it reminds me a lot of fantasy themed tracks! I am not too familiar with Tolkien's works so I may not know the full concept, but I think it is cool that you chose to capture that here as well. The track is full of story-telling which I like a lot!
I like the variety of percussion instruments you used! There is a nice lightheartedness to this track too. Everything fits very nicely for representing a beach sunrise, and it sound great! And I appreciate that you put what you learned in your project page, it is nice to see those insights. Wish you the best of luck as you continue to learn more with your DAW!
The tracks feel lighthearted and nostalgic to me, and I feel as if I was waking up to a nice morning sun with these tracks. I think the instrumentation choices really help solidify that morning feeling as well. I hear a slight dissonance in what I think is a bell, while I do really like the bell and what it represents, I think there is some clash as well, I could go more in-depth about it if you would like. But still overall really cool track! Well done!
The progressions here are really cool, and everything is nice and dynamic. I like the little harmonic and rhythmic touches you add to the higher end of the piano as well. One small criticism but I think the piano (or piano reverb) could have a slight cut in low mids for clarity, but I understand you were time constrained and it still sounds perfectly fine without the cut! The piece is still incredible as well, and made entirely in around an hour too! That gives me an idea that maybe one of the future weekly jams could be an hour challenge too haha
The last couple jams I shared with you, I believe you were using a different DAW. But it seems you have moved to FL B) , How are you liking it so far?
Memories Of Home Replaced By Dreams: I feel a nice calmness here but also a preparation to explore, I like the different swelling instruments throughout the track. The ambient elements are especially nice.
10,000 Hinoki Trees: I like the entrance of the choir and the bells leading a shift in tone at the climatic part of the track. It feels very mysterious to me, and the way the track constructs itself and deconstructs itself with many layers is pretty cool!
Purification Ritual: I think it is really cool what you did with composition here, and the bassline is a nice edition. I really feel the chrono trigger inspiration from this one, I am reminded a bit of the lake theme from pokemon diamond and pearl as well!
Overall, I think this soundtrack really cool. I get an ethereal dream-like feel from all of these tracks, and the criticisms I may have had were already mentioned by others(so not much to critique here). Nicely done!
Running off to Adventure: It feels grand but light-hearted, with a hint of etherealness to me. I think the drum panning is cool and they have nice rhythm, I feel the drums overwhelm the other elements though; They could be lower in volume or more centered(not complete center though) if that volume is what you wanted , but I'd like to emphasize I really enjoy the rhythms you went with in the drums! I think the piano and flute parts compliment each other well too, and the triplet usage is especially nice!
What Lurks in the Dark: The guitar is very nice sounding, and to me the repeating nature of its melody gives a feeling of "despite the uncertainty and fear, there is something to guide through" . The strings, pianos and drums all add nice depth to the track. I think you could have been a little more adventurous in the composition given that it's meant to invoke uncertainty and fear. One example is, I feel it could use more inconsistency rhythmically(not often but just a little bit), or added silence, to give the listener less to hold on to, but that's subjective and mostly specific for this jam, I still think you did nicely achieving the feeling you wanted to go for, especially with ambient sounds in the beginning and the heart-racing piano.
The Journey By Your Side: This song is nice and heart-warming to me, I think the composition is great in this one. I like the two flutes you've used here, it is like they are speaking to each other. I don't have any criticisms here that others haven't already mentioned. I like the inspirations you used for this track as well!
Overall, I think this is a really nice soundtrack, and it explores a nice variety of emotion. Nicely done!
Thank you! I really appreciate the in-depth criticism, and the fact that you listened to the WAVs too. I will definitely keep in mind the balance of the instruments more as I go along. I was a bit scared to create this because of the silly nature; I didn't want it to feel distasteful or anything to others, so it is nice to hear my description clears it up as well!
Also, the dogsong synth is a damn daniel "AR" vocal chop! But it does have a similar degree of silliness to it haha
Thank you! and you can expect big things from this submission (perhaps a Damn Daniel Chronicles: PART 2!!! [uh, if it isn't deemed too silly for a jam]). I am glad you find the "NOOOO" funny too; It was originally a Talking Ben "no" but I didn't think it was funny enough or fit well in the TV story, so your comment makes me feel like I made the right change!
Dream of sauce: The composition here is really cool. Very otherworldly feeling
Lost in the sauce: I think I may have been lost in the sauce listening to this. It's very mesmerizing and reminds me a bit of space almost.
Found in the sauce: A nice shift in intensity here. The 5/4 time signature and dire chord progression makes me feel that too much sauce might have consequences. Like an abstractive entity that is enticing but punishing if one gets too greedy (though I may be way off with that)
Nicely done!
Also I feel I should mention that the playlist link sends me to the second video instead of the first
Thank you! I did use some soundfonts, so that may be part of what attributes to that Undertale feeling some! I think I may have misunderstood the theme some; I thought the picture was optional from the text so I wanted to twist the theme into far reaches attributed to action and thought process, but I appreciate your insights! Thanks for listening!
I feel a great sense of longing from this track, I really like this melancholic feel you went for. The slow ascending melody of the violin throughout the song and the timbres of the instruments fit the piece nicely. I think the subtle (wind?) instrument is a nice touch as well, it adds another layer of abstractness for me. I don't really have any criticisms not stated already but a small one I could give is I think the wind instrument could use a slight surgical cut around 600-700 hz because the ringing can be a little distracting for me, but that's a tiny nitpick that's barely noticeable and I still really like what you did with the wind instrument. The cello crescendos are also incredibly pleasant on the ears! I feel you perfectly captured the concept you were going for, Nicely done!