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Getting the compass helps a ton to find out stuff!

Jut wondering, how will the questline with Bell work out? The sultan has healing waters, but I couldn't afford the $$$ to get the slave (don't have 80K laying around, yanno) and I broke up the gold mine, meaning the Sultan shows up even less... He may not have known who messed with it, but it just feels like poor Bell is doomed to super small boobs...


That's what it's meant for!

Bell's quest actually won't have too much to do with Sauel haha. You'll see what happens!

(1 edit)

Bro, get your moneys up, be like me! I stayed for like 20~30 mins(dont remember exactly) fighting in the secret fight club at nearly every disadbantage and gained those 100k needed( i wass curius what would happen if i had the money when the sientists asked for a millionare patron)