When running from a command line it errors out that it can't find the pop sound file. Is there anyway to run it from a command line?
Is the game executable in the same directory as the snd folder? If it is and it still doesn't work, try the XP version
Yup it is. It works perfext if I double click on it from windows, but if running from a command line (CMD window) it won't run. I tried all three versions. Would be nice so I can run from my Emulation Station.
That's odd, it works fine for me, maybe rename the exe to something simpler or without spaces?
It is. And I did try renaming as you suggested. So when you go to a Dos (CMD) prompt and run the exe it doesn't error out?
Correct, it does not, at least running it through Windows command prompt (cmd.exe). What version of Windows are you using?