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Some cool ideas in here! Kicking things off with Approach, the layering isn't bad; new elements introduced at the right times to keep things trucking along and adding some zest and intrigue.  Only thing I'd recommend is changing some omnipresent elements instead of simply dropping them out for a couple of bars. Don't be afraid to explore a new melody or arrange something new to accompany the rest. Kudos on the percussion though - adding just enough every now and again to keep the rhythm from becoming stale.

I have to say I really dig the vibes in Investigation - it is befitting of the title as that main melody evokes curiosity. It's not quite a happy or sombre track - it kind of falls in between, swimming in ambiguity which is, again, perfect for this track specifically. Opting for a definitive kick pattern here works well to establish the track's heartbeat, and I do like the orchestration that begins to kick in around the half-way mark specifically.

Good work! These made for an interesting listen. I think the Investigation is my favorite of the two as it executes on the theme a little better, but they're both solid! Best of luck with the jam. :)