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A jam submission

Dark Journey - SoundtrackView project page

Two ominous loop-able tracks created for the OST Composing Jam 7
Submitted by billbobphil — 2 days, 11 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#6162.3372.471

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Songs would best fit with a moment in a game that is meant to be tense and filled with atmosphere.

The song Approach would better fit the lead-in to a significant moment, with the goal to build tension and excitement.

The song Investigation would better fit a moment in the game that is intended to build curiosity while creating some feeling of tension/dread.

I used FL Studio.

Message from the artist
This was my first time creating music and it was a blast. Thank you for listening, and I look forward to making more!


Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
I focused heavily on the feelings that being deep in the ocean evoke for me. These are mainly feelings of dread and the unknown. I set off hoping for a little more whimsy but that is not where I ended up!

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY)

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Is this your first experience? Cool! I like the slightly melancholic atmosphere of this soundtrack) Be sure to keep making music! Good luck!

P.S. I love panning brass in the second track. Heh)


Rating Submissions With Few Ratings to Hopefully Get Some In Return

All these beginners writing about how they just started making music, then deliver fully rendered and cleanly produced tracks with developed melodic and harmonic ideas! There´s some hiccups - I think for the ominous vibes I would have liked for the drums to be more in the background, maybe heavily reverbed to suggest a sense of space? - but the general structure is very functional already. Definetely stick to making music :)


Some cool ideas in here! Kicking things off with Approach, the layering isn't bad; new elements introduced at the right times to keep things trucking along and adding some zest and intrigue.  Only thing I'd recommend is changing some omnipresent elements instead of simply dropping them out for a couple of bars. Don't be afraid to explore a new melody or arrange something new to accompany the rest. Kudos on the percussion though - adding just enough every now and again to keep the rhythm from becoming stale.

I have to say I really dig the vibes in Investigation - it is befitting of the title as that main melody evokes curiosity. It's not quite a happy or sombre track - it kind of falls in between, swimming in ambiguity which is, again, perfect for this track specifically. Opting for a definitive kick pattern here works well to establish the track's heartbeat, and I do like the orchestration that begins to kick in around the half-way mark specifically.

Good work! These made for an interesting listen. I think the Investigation is my favorite of the two as it executes on the theme a little better, but they're both solid! Best of luck with the jam. :)


Cool stuff! Glad you were able to join the jam and make music for the first time! Just have fun, experiment with things, and keep making neat things like this :D

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I like the vibes! Couple of things that stuck out on my first listen was that the 808 bass was a bit too loud/boomy, maybe lowering the volume or cutting a bit of the really low parts of the sound with an EQ (meaning in the sub 30~hz or so area) might help tame it a bit (not really a master mixer myself so take this with a grain of salt :D ). And the lines you have for the different instruments are nice, but you could add some variation to the lines after they have already repeated once (maybe something as simple as, if the line originally ended by descending, you could try having the second repeat ascend instead), this helps to keep the music feeling like its progressing and gives some more interest to the listener. 

Sorry for the wall of text but just trying offer advice, good job on these!


This is super helpful advice as someone completely new, thank you for taking the time!


I loooved the mood these created! Totally felt like being deep underwater surrounded by unknown dangers. Some of the plucky notes in the second song reminded me of some of the music done by Kane Pixel for the backrooms series on yt which is very cool as I love that whole production. Only thing I would have changes would be some sort of fade out to end track two instead of the abrupt ending but I still really enjoyed it! Great job!


really nice for your fist time making music!

I think something to add especially to the fist song is more of a melody or something to really grab hold of as a listener. the second song has a bit of that but it could also have more. Just something to really hold a listener to the song.


Really good grasp of the mood you sought after, its very effective at conveying what you wanted. I would love to have seen the tracks evolve over time potentially becoming more complex or having more melodic and harmonic contents!