1.) like NoaAldritt said: a faster way to build, and a faster way to sell would be huge, maybe if we could select columns and rows and fill them in, in bulk, the game would be much less tedious.
2.) Zoom would be awesome,
3.) a counter somewhere to see total # of each building type currently on map,
4.) i would appreciate to see stats when i click on a building:
ie. clicking on wheat at each irrigation level could show me the production rate per minute / hour, at that irrigation level.
farmer could show units of wheat harvested per minute, Market units sold per minute, Storage; total size of 1 wheat storage.
without stats, once we've expanded to a certain size it becomes extremely tedious to try and figure out what, and how many, we need next, or constantly play catch up, however bulk construction would also fix this.
5.) information on what exactly earns prestige points would be cool.