The environment looked great and hit just the right amount of atmosphere. Felt like it needed a few more things in there though to add more detail perhaps...
The swords unfortunately were uncontrollable. I'd pick them up and they'd face completely the wrong way, then would rotate in a really weird way. No matter how I moved them around, I couldn't get them to point outwards to hit the enemies. Which, kinda broke the whole gameplay side for me. Also, the movement speed was insanely slow - I know it's to reduce sickness etc... but it was so slow that it seemed like there was no point in having movement at all given that speed.
However, I still carried on can pretended the swords were ok and that the movement was faster to then gauge the rest of the game. The enemies were cool actually, and the music was s a great addition. The overall look did gel together nicely - but ultimately, the swords and movement just spoilt the experience in the end.
I was playing on a Quest 3 if that helps debug anything. The swords was the main game breaking thing, not sure what you're doing code-wise, but couldn't you just attach them as a child of the controller transform given a transform parent on the sword itself as the offset?
All-in-all - great visuals, good concept, shame about the swords.