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Hehe, aye,   Well, funnily enough, the house is a straight East-West main corridor upper and lower, with rooms on the "H" arms, I made it so you could actually test all the exits by just moving like a gearshift from the central location :)      It's a feature of games that houses are always East-West with the entrance in the middle on the south side.  It just always seems to be this way.  I've even played games where they were modelled on real life, yet when I asked the author about the 90o rotation, he just said "it felt more natural to enter by going North".  So, despite the strangeness of having the patio on the north side of the house, which would suggest a southern-hemisphere location,  I just went with the flow :)  

Chris is working on the auto-map feature. I plotted out all the locations to work with the automap, nothing should clash square-wise.  But that feeling of being adrift in a big house, not know where you're going, and the clock ticking, it what I was going for.  You really do have only a certain amount of time before... things.. happen... So you need to just push through your fears and get searching :) hehe

Cheers for the feedback :-)