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(1 edit)

Hey, thanks for checking out my game!

I just tested on Firefox on my Linux(PopOS) system:

  • Full Screen works fine! (Although it does throw ambiguous an error in console).

Edit: I increased the size of the embed window, its playable in embed now!

  • Shift + RMB also works but also shows the rick-click menu on Firefox (doesn’t seem to be the case for Chrome).

It would be great if you can mention your OS and some details on your system. Could be likely an issue with Bevy/WGPU/WINIT ?

Yes the inputs are slightly more complex, but thats the part of building a sandbox, surely you could bind them in the settings (temporary). But I wish I could build a better experience in the Jam time frame!

Thanks again for your feedback!


oh interesting, i just tried it again and it works now. the only thing that changed between them other than you changing the embed size is what window manager (also linux of course) i was using, so that might be it? i was in sway, before, but trying river right now.

Glad it works for you! I have also seen other people mention that Bevy games have some issues on Firefox for when things are pushed far. So that’s one thing to keep in mind.