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(1 edit)

"A-alright, let me remind you how to listen to music, June. Boy, this is a good idea..."

Ahem... before trying to describe each track, I would like to say a few words: First of all: IT'S F**KING AWESOME. Secondly: the whole soundtrack is the biggest funky thing in this whole jam. Third: MADNESS... I decided to dance to each track! (And almost twisted my leg)

BIG BAD CITY - Heh, I see in front of my eyes the main menu, where the background is a slightly animated slide show depicting all the madness of this BIG BAD CITY. (Someone's teeth were knocked out with a bat. And they broke their leg. An ear was torn off... Oh, no... Another leg was torn off. Robbed... RIP)

SELECT YOUR TARGET! - Funky chiptune... I hear a police siren... Am I really listening to this soundtrack legally?)

REMINDER (TUTORIAL) - In this sigh of the speaker, I hear at the same time pain, disappointment, a complete lack of hope in anything good, an unsuccessful career as a snail racing commentator and lack of sleep. (I give a 100% guarantee, he turns on the sound of the whistle on the tape recorder, because the announcer sold the relief whistle to buy self-defense equipment from Jun)

CLUTCH HITTER - "F**K YOU..." Heh... I definitely feel the atmosphere of not the most dangerous, but definitely a very unpleasant opponent (Although something tells me that June himself is not the holiest person in the whole ghetto)

JUNKYARD - HEHE... IT'S TIME FOR KIDS AND GARBAGE!!!1! (It's the same thing, right?) and... a MINIGUN?!

MONEY WALKS - Stop... Do I understand correctly that he stole the president's wallet? Oh, sh*t...

CONGRATS! YOU SUCK - Heh... It's a shame :_| (I like it)

RESULTS! - HOORAY! THE RESULTS! And how well am I doing?:

>(OK SCORE)< - Well, well... I'm not very good at playing games anyway 

>(GOOD SCORE) <- Hehe... At least I could have done better... but I did well!


>(AWFUL SCORE)< - alt+f4