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Sold almost immediately with the intro to Follow the Ghost. Wonderfully ambient, gentle piano melodies and a plethora of warm, dense ambience woven beneath. No rush to resolve, floating along and evolving as it goes. Some pseudo-TLOU kind of textures in this one, which I dig a lot.

Coral Town feels a little more typical as an arrangement, and that works well after the textural goodness that preceded it. This gives me some J/RPG vibes for sure, particularly some soft Zelda ones. Great job on the orchestration with this - the mix never grows too busy but always has a lot of interesting things going on at once. The inclusion of the piano to carry lead tones later on in the track is genius.

Cephalopod Shuffle is yet another great change of pace. Some percussion to immediately set the rhythm, and then some gorgeous guitar to get everything moving. This is a groovy one for sure. Good job on the bass in this; the walking lines falling into line to emphasize the rhythm is really well done.

The Village Atop the Whale is not only a stunning visual, you've nailed the kind of core sound I'd associate with that. Fantastic choice of voicings in this, and kudos on the articulative piano playing. The woodwinds on the latter half do a great job of gently carrying the listener through the various whale songs in the background. You killed it with this one, honestly - may be my favorite of the bunch.

Dolphin Taxi Service immediately reminds me of something you'd hear on a Dreamcast or Gamecube. Bouncy bass line, solid 4/4 rhythm and a sax to full send it. This is delicious. The various arpeggios in the background really work well here; blurred just enough to not be distracting but the more you listen the more you're rewarded.

Nephropus, The King of Lobsters has that tell-tale regality to it; not just in the melodies and rhythms, but the choice of instrumentation. Trading off the harpsichord to the piano to carry the chord progression with some mallets to handle the lead tones was really clever here and it adds a nice richness to the track as a whole. 

Sunken Mausoleum is gorgeous and is likely second in line for my favorite. Your arrangements thus far have been really good and nicely fleshed out, but I love your take on the more ambient pieces. So easy to get lost in them. Great choice of voicings here once again.

Finally, Farewell, Father is a wonderful outro. Cannot beat having a piano take the reigns and guide you through an experience. Great playing here once again and I love the minimal accompaniment that comes with this one. The modulations in tempo as it plays out is really well done, too. A perfect ending to such a wonderfully varied soundtrack.

Great job, this was a blast to listen to and covers so many different styles and genres - kudos not only for arranging it so well, but mixing and producing it too. Super solid execution on the theme. This is up there for me in the top spots, for sure. Best of luck!

Wow! Thank you so much for such a detailed comment, I'm currently grinning from ear to ear! I really appreciate this :D