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Love your take on the theme here. "The Verdant Sea" is a powerful first track, I was not expecting the pick-up around 1:52! From its initial sea ambience to that stylized, heavy reverb guitar and beyond, this track progresses really nicely and never lulls for a moment. This track goes hard when you really weren't expecting it to. Great work!

An interesting departure from the first track, "The Buzz Merchant" starts things off whimsically before bringing in a solid groove at around 0:14. This track shows off a lot of your diversity as a composer and it was very interesting to listen to it develop in unexpected ways while still calling back to the opening silliness.

The echo on the snare in "Cavern of Dreams" gives it great presence and definitely makes things feel cavernous. The chord progression when the rhythm guitar comes in is top notch, truly beautiful music here. "Herald" finishes things off by revisiting that same progression with a satisfying crunch and well-earned guitar solo. This whole track was just pure ear candy.

"Confluence" is another solid offering, again turning melodic ambience into a straight-up jam. If I hadn't already gotten Hades/Darren Korb vibes from this album, Confluence really would have dialed it in. Excellent job working in the title of the theme with just the right amount of cheese; that whole build-up was masterfully executed. 

This is easily one of the best offerings I have heard from this jam, and I really enjoyed listening to it. I love how you blended each track together, it was a great method of revisiting your established melodies and worked well to keep me listening and wondering what was coming next. Amazing work overall, definitely looking forward to hearing more from you in the future!