MV Update:
So I'm not sure if a lot of you even remember, but back then I used RPG Maker MV to develop a high quality version of the game. It didnt work though because I either got bugs or errors whenever my player died. My Idea was to make Fates Gamble a Dual Release game (kind of like Pokémon). Now I'm thinking about using MV again. To fix the problem with the bugs and errors, I needed a conditional branch to detect if the player is dead (for some reason). I just need to tediously find every time the player would die in my event script so I could implement that logic.
So basically Fates Gamble might have two version of the same game. There will be "Fates Gamble VX Ace" and "Fates Gamble MV." I might change their names, but right now I'm keeping them.
What's the point of VX Ace when MV is basically more modern and nicer looking?
RPG Maker MV isn't better at everything. First of all, UNEXPECTED BS DOESNT HAPPEN OUT OF NOWHERE WHEN EVENT SCRIPTING. Second, VX Ace allows more Map space. Lastly, VX Ace will have more personality and engagement in the NPC's. I cant really explain "why" for that last part for those who don't understand RPG Maker that well.
Here's a list of the upsides and downsides.
Fates Gamble VX Ace:
- +More engaging NPC's
- +Bigger Map
- +Works on older windows PC's like "Windows XP"
- -Looks worse
- -Smaller screen resolution
Fates Gamble MV:
- +Looks way nicer.
- +Bigger screen resolution
- +Works on Mac, Linux, Windows.
- -Smaller Map (Which could mean some removed content also T_T )
- -Less engaging NPC's