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Are you going to respond fuzz man?

are you gonna stop responding? i don’t wanna read your stupid replies every week 💀


The back, and forths under this post are pretty funny.

Agree to play the game, though, and I'll play the game all the way through, because I only did a bit on Game Pass. Give it 2 hours, set aside your grievances, try having fun, and refund that shit if you don't like it. Agreed? I bought the fucking game, by the way, so if you don't agree, it'll sit in my Steam library for who knows how long, and those 5 dollars will go to waste. This all rides on you, you feel?

my brain is flipping like a rubix cube trying to understand this thought process, what??? why would i care if you bought celeste?

(1 edit)

Now why wouldn't you care? You are the only one who can answer that question.

because i have better things to do than care if some rando on the internet is doing something i personally wouldn’t, or continue to argue in a reply section that’s months, maybe even a year old (i haven’t checked)

You have better things to do than watch TV shows, but you don't complain then. So it's all about dopamine, and desire to you. You desire to watch that show, or play that game. But why? Have you ever wondered why you don't exercise in the time it takes to eat that figurative popcorn? Why you don't raise your life to even greater heights in career, self-improvement, and the many other facets of life? To ponder upon the intricacies of life in a dewy grove even? Beauty is everywhere, and beautiful challenges can be found in some of the least dopaminergically-activating activities. They temper a weak body, and mind. But you're merely a dopaminergically-driven individual. A hidden woe is upon you. A crisis of life, where you drift, and stumble, and will reach an age, perhaps 30, perhaps 40, where you will look back, and wonder where the time went. Then you'll realize the harsh truth: the time went to the dogs. The energy of your life is a mere drop in the bucket of this Earth's collective nature, and you wasted that mere drop on frivolous activities that do nothing, but fulfil your temporary desires. The opportunities passed you by, the chance to write your name in even life's most last of last pages. Ponder. What is this life for? And if you don't, it'll be too late.

actually i have a job and i get paid


yes actually